Indoor Canuk Quarter Pounder - 480w qb on Lightrail

Apr 24, 2022
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Hey there.

Growing 12 Quarter Pounder seeds from Canuk with a 3500K 480w QB with LM301H diodes from Grow Lights Canada. It's on my brother's old light rail in a makeshift basement set up.

I've grown in tents before, but this little basement room is only 70" and too short for my tent so I thought I'd have some fun and just throw up three sides of b/w poly.

Just one oscillating fan running on whisper. Around 74 degrees and 50% humidity with the light around 40%. We'll see how the weather in May and June affect it, and I'll set up my humidifier and can fans if need be, but this is nice and simple which is a nice change for me.

Right now the mover is on a short span of about 24 inches but will increase into flower. I may set up a scrog cage, depends on how much time I want to play around, we'll see.

They're in pro mix hp, using Medi one. Started in split cup solos, 7 days ago. Tap appeared at the bottom in a couple plants by day 4, so then planted into 5 gals.

Those other buckets are the start of some dahlias and the tray is just tomatoes that will go outside when it warms up consistently.

Girlfriend and I named em all after different type of flowers. Last time they were all named after ingredients in a quarter pounder lol.

Just thought I'd share with you. Have a great spring :)


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Day 14 from germination update

Plants seem healthy and happy. A few have some interesting mutations. One with a curled set of single blade leaves, one where the second node actually grew two leaves together that needed some encouragement to be separated, and one with a couple discoloured spots. They've all received the same treatment, all leaves were without water droplets on them, so I'm not sure about the burn like spots. I put photos of the weird ones for you to look at.

I set up the bottom section of my 4x4 tent as a scrog cage. Not sure whether or not I will use it, as they may outgrow the space.

Oh and the tomatoes and dahlias are doing great. Even have a dahlia poking through very quickly after planting the tubers.



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Day 25 Update

Not sure if anyone is following this, but I thought I'd post some photos.

All plants were topped except one, which is growing its main shoot out of a fan leaf stem. I just want to let it go naturally.

I'm heading camping for a couple days, but will do some minor LST when I return.

Everything seems good, excited to watch them stretch more :)



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That’s gonna be a nice harvest!!! Can’t wait to see ur girls in full bloom!!!
I was the beta tester for the new version of the Photone app. It now can read up to a 3 minute average sample of the light.

It can really help you set your dimmer correctly with a LightRail.
I was the beta tester for the new version of the Photone app. It now can read up to a 3 minute average sample of the light.

It can really help you set your dimmer correctly with a LightRail.

I have photone, that's a great tip. I never look at the pro settings. Thanks a lot!
What a difference 4 days can make. My favourite stage of growth.

I did a light leaf removal, maybe 8-12 leaves off each and the canopy is nice, even and full. The one plant that wasn't topped is showing what looks like typical nute burn, but it's probably just genetics.

Very happy for day 34.
Day 40

things are going well. Some signs of what may be a calcium deficiency. I'm using RO and wasn't using any calmag supplement. Never really used RO before, and the line of nutrients I am using for the first time has calcium. Feeding it at lower than full strength may have something to do with it. So I add some ProCal, hope the added nitrogen is tolerated.

Did some defoliation, responded well. Light is closer than usual with the mover spanning 24 inches. Used the 3 minute average DLI function on Photone, and plants seem happy where they are at.

Happy for day 40.


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Whoops, haven't updated in over 4 weeks. Life happens.

Anyway, things are going just fine. Had a flood issue and had to remove the reflective plastic on the weekend but I'm not too concerned at this point. Here's a shot of the group and a close up.


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