Extraction CannaButter Dosing

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Made me some cannabutter yesterday from 12 grams of vaporizer-poo. I used 2/3 stick of salted butter since I was 3 grams shy of the recipe. Got a slight green to it and boy does it stink. It is 100 percent Chronic Ryder butter. Very pleasant strain. Smells and taste of lemon zest. Convinced me to go with autoflowers only from now on. Anyhoo, what is a good dosage to go with? I wanna good stone but not too overbearing. Thank you.
by vaporizer poo do you mean its been vaped already? i wouldnt think youd get much off it if so as vape takes out all/most of the parts you want but i dont vape so who knows.

i would just try a small enough dose if youre worried even if thats weak as shit youll know to double/triple the dose etc.
titration, everyone reacts differently so anyones experience will not match up to you amounts wise other than a basic guesstimate. also every plant is different so no real way to say.

try 5 grams then 15 and so on id say.
also if you havent had edibles before it will take atleast an hour or so (for me) to feel anything then a few hours of increasing potency so dont have another dose after a half hour if you arent feeling anything. theres no going back on edibles really you just have to strap yourself in and be ok with it. buy some fruit juice etc to ward off whiteys incase you have too much..
also munchies... lots of them..

itd take me 5+hours to be sober again probably more. i usually just sleep when its retreating.
I second the being careful on dosage, better not high than shitting your pants.
Thank you, friends. Sounds like some powerful stuff. I'm kind of scared now. Lol. Think I might let my friend try it first and see how he reacts. Another thing that just popped in my brain is how long I can store it? I'm gonna see if I can google it here in a minute but if someone wants to answer that's fine too.
i would say itd survive a year atleast in the freezer.. i freeze mine and then its easy to just snap off a chunk with a knife.
heat and light degrade thc and all that so dark and cold freezer is a good spot to keep it in.

is this made from already vaped weed? just curious, if youre trying like 5 grams i would say you wont be destroyed especially if pre-vaped but again hard to say.
if your friend rarely smokes he might though so having him test it will not show you all too much what itll be like for you. also bodyweight plays a part, bigger you are the more youll need(i think anyway). you should test it yourself anywya its nothing to be too worried about the worst that could happen is you have to go to bed from being way too stoned. a risk i am willing to take, i like the brink of madness :firedevil:
edibles are my favourite way of getting stoned, aslong as you have some free time. its very different to smoking. way better if you like it.

post up your results and if it was pre vaped or not. good luck.
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by vaporizer poo do you mean its been vaped already? i wouldnt think youd get much off it if so as vape takes out all/most of the parts you want but i dont vape so who knows.

The strongest brownies I have ever had were made from vape poo.. My advice is to make your baked goods following common recipies on the net. Then just take one bite. Wait an hour or so - see what happens, then another - wait. You will quickly find out how much of that baked goodnes it takes to get you where you want to be. There is a learning curve - so do it when you have time to experiment and definately don't do it when craving a buzz. Your personal tolerance is probably different than many others, so be careful when reading recipies!

I have some brownies from a friend that vaps and makes them all the time. A 1/2" square portion puts me in another world for 4-6 hours+. So start with small portions and you can always eat more.