i would say itd survive a year atleast in the freezer.. i freeze mine and then its easy to just snap off a chunk with a knife.
heat and light degrade thc and all that so dark and cold freezer is a good spot to keep it in.
is this made from already vaped weed? just curious, if youre trying like 5 grams i would say you wont be destroyed especially if pre-vaped but again hard to say.
if your friend rarely smokes he might though so having him test it will not show you all too much what itll be like for you. also bodyweight plays a part, bigger you are the more youll need(i think anyway). you should test it yourself anywya its nothing to be too worried about the worst that could happen is you have to go to bed from being way too stoned. a risk i am willing to take, i like the brink of madness :firedevil:
edibles are my favourite way of getting stoned, aslong as you have some free time. its very different to smoking. way better if you like it.
post up your results and if it was pre vaped or not. good luck.