Cannabis' side effects, are there any?

Aug 20, 2019
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We normally associate "side effects" as negative because they usually are and that's what I find in most places.

So following that train of thought do you believe there are serious side effects to consuming marijuana other than forgetfulness, drowsiness(in some cases) and an insatiable appetite?

Can side effects refer to benefitial effects too? If so cannabis has a ton!
Short term memory is my only side affect. And it can be a pain in the butt sometimes. Doesn't matter what age I am/was, its still the same.
When I started up with marijuana again, for pain, I did the opposite and lost 30lbs. Took about a year to get the weight back. These days I get the munchies.
Depending on its desired use, a side effect could be... kept me awake till 3 am on the computer... or knocked me out at 3 in the afternoon... or munchies or no...
I think if we're talking serious medical side effects, like pharmaceuticals... like rectal seepage, incontinence, cancer, death, etc... not so much.
A side effect that I have experienced is increased pain in legs and back. As soon as I would smoke some within minutes I became aware of pain in my leg and lower back pain. I thought marijuana was supposed to decrease pain. I then read some studies and apparently marijuana does increase the sensation of pain in some people.
A side effect that I have experienced is increased pain in legs and back. As soon as I would smoke some within minutes I became aware of pain in my leg and lower back pain. I thought marijuana was supposed to decrease pain. I then read some studies and apparently marijuana does increase the sensation of pain in some people.

Was it or is it strain related? Or cannabis in general?
My side effects include putting cereal in the fridge and the milk in the cabinet. Seriously though maybe a headache anxiety, or drowsyness depending on the strain and quality.
Was it or is it strain related? Or cannabis in general?
It was two different types of medical marijuana and everything I have grown personally this year. Almost all indica hybrids though I also grew Mexican Airlines from Fastbuds which is mostly sativa but I only smoked any of it once and don't remember how it affected me as it was trippy. I should probably try a high CBD strain instead of high THC.

I suppose in me it increases a mental effect so it makes me more aware of pain. Pain medication such as opiods or even aspirin, Tylenol or ibuprofen have never really done anything for me concerning pain relief. Doctor used to give me prescriptions for large amounts of Vicodin for back pain or shoulder pain from a traumatic injury and it did absolutely nothing, I'd never even refill the prescription ( back before they started regulating it due to people becoming addicted widely). I never understood how people became addicted to opiods as they did absolutely nothing for me concerning pain.

For pain relief in either of my shoulders I just get a cortisone shot in the joint of whichever shoulder is giving me pain about once every three years and I am fine. Might have to try it in my knee.
Short term memory is my only side affect. And it can be a pain in the butt sometimes. Doesn't matter what age I am/was, its still the same.
When I started up with marijuana again, for pain, I did the opposite and lost 30lbs. Took about a year to get the weight back. These days I get the munchies.
That's the biggest one for me, the memory, what pisses me off is that my long term is really good

Munchies too but I don't see it as negative
Depending on its desired use, a side effect could be... kept me awake till 3 am on the computer... or knocked me out at 3 in the afternoon... or munchies or no...
I think if we're talking serious medical side effects, like pharmaceuticals... like rectal seepage, incontinence, cancer, death, etc... not so much.
Ive had those heart racing ones that keep you up! I like them but or before going to bed, and you nailed it with the pharmaceuticals nothing like those side effects