New Grower Candy kush (beginners grow)

Nov 5, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
I don't care for names through my people cause I think they full of nd and don't honestly don't know
Whats up AFN family
This is my first grow ever long time chiefer and rosin lover oh and I love rove (brand name of cratradge) So bare with me every one all inputs wanted and needed I plan to post daily on OUR grow 5 candy ksuh & 1 gorilla glue germinated all together dumbie me I didnt separate the 1GG bean so I have no clue witch it is but out of the 6 beans 5 popped so it may have been that one but No will ever know
-side note I got the beans from somone who is A admin in a seed group on fb turns out he stayed just a exit away from me so if he isn't full of shit then that's what we're working with let's hope there even autos lol
-What were working with-
5 3gallon smart pots
Tap water :)
Coco & perlite ( brand is mother earth)
2 300W viparspectra
Apera p.h meter
Ubante ppm. meter
General hydroponics
3 part flora series
Rapid start
Rapid rooter
P.h up & down

Well family the kids broke ground on
Under one light in b.s. jiffy cups I jumped the gun didn't wait for the smart pots well on day 7 I transplanted everything went smooth and I never really noticed any slow down but after transplanting the same day I fed .5 ml Of rapid start and .5 ml cal mag p.h @ 6.0 and have been feeding the same since both lights are on now 15inches away I noticed yesterday 1/23 that leafs were standing up on one I'll post a pic.... Also every plant has different shades of green light and dark... I feel like lol Today I made water before I decided to make a journal and I was not saving any notes but tomorrow I'll start saying my ppm p.h etc....
-__- How exzacly should I feed and be mixing nutrients whats the correct way to p.h water and ppm usage.
Thanks for listing guys hope to hear from every one happy growing


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Hey JBone! Looking good! Relaaaaaax and ohhhhhmmmmm!:smoking:You are like an expectant father sitting in the waiting room! lol
Water....5 gallon bucket and get a air pump and airstone on it! More disolved oxygen in the water and your roots will thank you for it!
Feeding and watering...
1-put in your cal/mag first.
2-then your base nutes
check ph and adjust where needed, up or down. A little bit of this stuff up or down goes a long way! If you drop it too far or bring it up too high, DO NOT try and bring it back with the other up or down. simply start over. if you use both up and down together, your ph will fluctuate after they have been watered. 5.8 PH will be what you are after in coco. As the soil dries out, the soils ph will go up, taking the nutrients up through the best range for the plant to feed. Water only a little bit, as over watering will stunt your ladies and make them small. Get in the habbit of lifting the pots. Check the weight, not over watering daily(coco needs daily watering!)
Thanks bro I'm just anxious...
What do you mean by the 5 gallon bucket your saying use that water to feed with...
Yes I need to hold back some on how much in watering I'll check my self for now on
And ok I'll shoot for 5.8 in my p.h thanks for the tip
And when would you say I should start feeding the base nutes.. And how much
Thanks bro I'm just anxious...
What do you mean by the 5 gallon bucket your saying use that water to feed with...
Yes I need to hold back some on how much in watering I'll check my self for now on
And ok I'll shoot for 5.8 in my p.h thanks for the tip
And when should I start feeding the base nutes.. And how much
I fill a 5 gallon bucket with 3 gallons of water and throw in a air stone on it, then use the bubbled water to feed your plants. I pour a gallon of water in a watering can and mix my nutes in that. I would go with 1/4 strength off the bottle and SLOWLY work your way up to 1/2-3/4 of the feed on the bottle as the plants get older. Autos dont like alot of nutrients early on. You can start feeding them now and they will take off as long as you dont over water them.
hi and welcome :pass:good to see you out of the shadows and starting to journal.
i dont know coco so i keep quiet.but briman do so all good.
have a good look around,if ya get lost or stuck pop into live stoners.
good luck.
Oh okay I understand now this bucket do I have go keep this running all day Lol and for water do you use tap water .. I do .... nd I'm still learning how them numbers work
1/2-3/4 watching you tube videos..
And I will do 1/4 strength and add cal mag first Ok I will make a water up for my next feeding a 2 days from now lol cause I think I over waterd today :( maybe not but ima stop lol
Thanks again boss
hi and welcome :pass:good to see you out of the shadows and starting to journal.
i dont know coco so i keep quiet.but briman do so all good.
have a good look around,if ya get lost or stuck pop into live stoners.
good luck.
Thanks bro happy growing good looking out
Hello and welcome to AFN @JBone713 When your mixing nutes for autos the basic start is 1/4 strength and as the plants progress you'll work up to 1/2-3/4 strength
Thanks fam good looking out happy hump day Lol