New Grower Can I start my seeds under a lamp.

Mar 9, 2016
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This season I want to give Killer Kush by Sweet Seeds a try.

I grow in a polly tunnel, normaly with photo period seeds I start them off under a vegging fluro and plant out in June.

I need to know if I can do the same with these auto's, and if it is ok how long can I grow them before planting out.

Thank you.

Hi there, first off welcome to AFN! Would be awesome if you felt like doing an intro in the intro section, we'd love to give you a proper welcome!
You can certainly start them under a lamp, we're you gonna transplant or just move the pots outside when it gets warm? Also is it the full auto or the fast version?
Thanks for the welcome, after writing this reply I will introduce myself.

Surffreak. Thanks for that. I shall be growing Killer Kush as I mentioned, this strain is ready 80 days from sowing, so I don't think this is a special fast one, but I don't know much about auto's, my last experience of an auto was about 11/12 years ago when I grew the original Low Rider, frankly it was disapointing, but I hear good things said about auto's now, and as I need a short plant I thought I would give Sweet Seeds Killer Kush a try.

My thinking was that idealy you want to grow the seeds in either natural or contrived sunlight from scratch, and that by starting them under a vegging lamp I would stunt their growth.

I plan on transplanting them into the ground somletime around mid/late june.

Thank you.

They will be fine under a veg lamp until they start to flower which might be around 4 or 5 weeks after sowing, so plan accordingly. Of course more light is better than less to an extent. Autos generally don't do well if they are transplanted once flowering has started, though some people have had luck with it. The best thing to do would be to start them in a big pot inside and never transplant or just pop the seeds in the ground just as its getting warm. I'm not sure when you were planning on starting them but if you were gonna transplant in June then you'd probably want to wait and start them in May.

As far as the fast version of the killer kush, it's a semi auto and can be vegged like a photoperiod but flowers really quickly and early due to recessive auto genes. May be more up your alley if you want to pregrow a plant for the great outdoors.
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Thanks surffreak.

I really want to start them indoors under light, the important thing is that I need to plant out in mid/late June, If I grew them for 2 or 3 weeks do you think I could then transplant them without adversely affecting them regarding flowering they would go into a prepared hole straight from the pot.

Out of interest has anyone grown out Killer Kush?


This season I want to give Killer Kush by Sweet Seeds a try.

I grow in a polly tunnel, normaly with photo period seeds I start them off under a vegging fluro and plant out in June.

I need to know if I can do the same with these auto's, and if it is ok how long can I grow them before planting out.

Thank you.

:welcome:Lucky Dan, There are tons of people here who will help you along the way. They have been by my side since the beginning as I am a new grower. I wish I could slap you with some advice however I' am still learning the process an different ways everyone else has their ladies. Best of luck to you. Put up an Avatar and shoot some pics. Would love to follow your grow . :thumbsup:
Thanks surffreak.

I really want to start them indoors under light, the important thing is that I need to plant out in mid/late June, If I grew them for 2 or 3 weeks do you think I could then transplant them without adversely affecting them regarding flowering they would go into a prepared hole straight from the pot.

I believe they would be ok as long as its not more than 3 weeks from seed (probably around the time they show sex) and you are gentle about the transplant. Never know for sure how specific strains will react though, however, I would bet you'd be fine.
Perhaps someone will chime in and recommend some sort of tiered pot system.... only done it with party cups and 3 weeks is too long to go in one of those without affecting finished size imho.