Grow Mediums Can any one help interpret my tap water reading

Dec 18, 2015
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Howdy y'all. I've been lurking around hear for a while now getting my self pumped up about my first grow by going tho all the amazing grows that are on hear!!! Anyway the lights have been delivered and the dwc buckets have been built and the seeds got hear this Arvo. Wow no more procrastination now it's time to grow!

Now anyways to my question I was wondering if I could get away with running my tap water. I was planning on distilled but then heard that the area I live has some grate water so was wondering if I could get way with it before I go drop 150 on a ro system.

My PPM is 283 and PH is at 8.3

I contacted my local council and they provided a brake down of what's in there as well if that will be of assistance.
No idea what I'm looking at hear so hope it's not a stupid question. Thanks a mill guys. Happy growing!!!
You can use tap water, but it may or may not cause problems for u down the line a bit. I do know that it is hard to keep the PH level under control. Hope this helps you make your decision. Good Luck
O awesome thanks for the info ejpete2. Does keeping the ph level under control become harder as my nutes level increase? And if so I could start the grow on tap water and then that gives me a few weeks to scrape together some cash for a ro filter down the line? Thanks again bro!
O awesome thanks for the info ejpete2. Does keeping the ph level under control become harder as my nutes level increase? And if so I could start the grow on tap water and then that gives me a few weeks to scrape together some cash for a ro filter down the line? Thanks again bro!
Your Welcome. I believe that the tap water would raise the PH levels more than the nutes would. Just check your levels often and you should be fine. Good Luck & Happy token
I use tap water that I set out for 24hrs. Usually runs around 8.0. I use Advanced nutrients ph perfect line. After all my nutes added ph is always 6.4. In my promix grows, this works well. I get a slight ph swing up to about 6.8 when the medium is dry. I will ph down to 5.8 with my DWC bucket when I get it started next week and monitor my ppm and ph daily and record it just so I have an understanding of what to expect as the roots pull water and nutes. My plan is to do slight adjustments if need be while topping off the reservoir in between rez changes. Reservoir changes will be done once a week.
I know lots of folks spend the money on the RO systems. This is probably the best method if it's in your budget. It takes the tap water out of the equation if you are having deficiency issues, but there are lots of successful grows using tap water with dwc. Just pay attention and do your due diligence and I am sure you will do great.
Best advice I ever got here was to keep it simple and less is more. The less you mess with your plants environment the less stress on the plant and yourself. My first grow I was constantly worried that I was doing something wrong. If my leaves drooped a little or I saw a spot on a leaf I would panic and try to adjust something, light, ph, nutrients. I the end I probably did more harm than good.
So don't stress, have fun, ask questions and most of all enjoy the experience. I look forward to following your journals :frog: