New Grower Burned by Lowlife seeds ..again

Jul 27, 2011
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I don't make a habbit of bashing seed banks on open forums but this is the 2nd time I have had Autoflowering seeds from Lowlife fail to deliver the goods & I'm heated!

My 1st round was with 3 Auto Great White Shark - 1 didn't germ. at all & the others withered & died a few days after popping through the soil. I chalked this up to germinating in soil
(though I have had nearly perfect germ. sucess with all other brands)
Later I decided to try my hand with the Auto AK47/Hindu Kush F1 in hopes of starting a breeding project to only have 3 of 6 pop when germinated in paper towel & ph'd water. I planted these in a promix professional mix that has done well for me in the past but
Within 7 days 2 of the 3 died slow deaths' - the 3rd grew for 53 days before I pulled the plug.
Well I just had to see if it was just bad luck & started to germ the 6 remaining seeds to only have 1 pop and the tap root is showing the same signes as the previous ones that die.

I realize I can't complaine to the retailer & my loss is only chump change but I can spread the word to my fellow Autoflower growing friends to stay clear from Lowlife seeds -

I don't make a habbit of bashing seed banks on open forums but this is the 2nd time I have had Autoflowering seeds from Lowlife fail to deliver the goods & I'm heated!

My 1st round was with 3 Auto Great White Shark - 1 didn't germ. at all & the others withered & died a few days after popping through the soil. I chalked this up to germinating in soil
(though I have had nearly perfect germ. sucess with all other brands)
Later I decided to try my hand with the Auto AK47/Hindu Kush F1 in hopes of starting a breeding project to only have 3 of 6 pop when germinated in paper towel & ph'd water. I planted these in a promix professional mix that has done well for me in the past but
Within 7 days 2 of the 3 died slow deaths' - the 3rd grew for 53 days before I pulled the plug.
Well I just had to see if it was just bad luck & started to germ the 6 remaining seeds to only have 1 pop and the tap root is showing the same signes as the previous ones that die.

I realize I can't complaine to the retailer & my loss is only chump change but I can spread the word to my fellow Autoflower growing friends to stay clear from Lowlife seeds -

This is only my :2cents: but i buy all my seeds are from and all of the lowlife products are "temporary unavailible due to quality issues"!!!! this is what it says on thier products. NOTICE: Due to ongoing quality issues, we have temporarily removed Lowlife seeds from sale. This was a reluctant decision and we hope to have them back in stock when these issues are resolved.

:peace: Si
Many seedbanks have removed them due to quality issues
In the spirit of piling on, I ordered 10 Lowlife Auto Blueberry Regular seeds last winter from Attitude. None of them sprouted. As these were sold as souvenirs, it was very memorable to watch the empty cups.
Talking about seeds and being disapointed.....Maybe its just my age but seed quality is really poor in general for $10 hit seeds. I have bought 30 seeds of photo fem, 3 different kinds, 10 each, 7 TD auto fem, 10 RI auto reg Sensi Seed, 5 Star Ryder auto fem (not DP evendently), and the free ones they send. Out of all of them, there are 5 maybe I would have hand picked when secelecting a grow, MAYBE. In the "old days" I would pick a dozen seeds out of a couple of hundred, grow with a 100% germ. pull the weak ones down to 6 and sex them at 70 days, take a cutting from my best male, trash the rest of the males and keep 3 of the prim females for mothers and bag my male to replenish my seed supply. only 2 of the TD seeds i would have though about planting if i had a choice and only 1 in 14 autos shows life, actualy most cracked, but only one is a plant. I did also get a cute BB reg that looks like its for real. so as anold timer, that is my perspective on todays seeds. selling green or white immature seeds at 10$+ is just not right . I'll start a thread about this grow and post pictures of the room tomorrow, and yes Muddy, I did check the PH and adjusted to 5.5. Used distilled water, and a touch of Rizotonic (86ppm) :} so we are being very protective of our investment.