Bugs in soil. Beauveria Bassiana + Trichoderma rootzone safe?

Feb 21, 2015
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I imagine it is fungus gnats since those seem to be the most common pests when growing indoors. Do you have tiny flies flying around periodically?

If it is fungus gnats:

Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria is what you can use to help control them. I mix the Mosquito Bits into the top soil before I water or you can let them sit in a bucket water for a day or two before you use it on the plants.

The best thing is to let the top inch (2.5 cm) of your soil dry out before you water again.

Food grade Diatomaceous Earth can be sprinkled on the soil using a salt shaker after you water the plants. This seems to work best for me.
I don't see anything flying around my grow tent.
I only see the little bugs crawling in and out of the top of the soil, maybe Thrips or Aphids?
The bugs in my soil looks smaller than the ones on that page, though they do resemble Firebrats or Whiteflies.
I tried to capture a photo if them with my digital microscope but its really hard to catch them with it.
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Ok I got a fast look at them with the microscope and it's either root aphids or fungus gnats.
Hard catch them on camrea because they are so small and fast and there is'nt a whole lot of them showing above the soil all the time.

I'll drench the soil 3 times over the next few days once each with Metarhizium anisopliae then Beauveria Bassiana then Trichoderma and see if that gets rid of them.
I can't dry out my soil for long periods because I grow in extreme heat and the plants normally droop hard if they don't drink for 24 hours.

I hope this works because I have 3-4 week left on this grow.
Food grade Diatomaceous Earth can be sprinkled on the soil using a salt shaker after you water the plants. This seems to work best for me.
:d5: I love the DE. For my next grow, I'm going to incorporate it into my soil mix. DE will also work for thrips, they spend part of their life cycle in the soil.
...sounds like soil mites Supplanter, which fortunately, are harmless,..if you want to knock to population down, that DE will help, also a spinosad product or pyrethrum, even Neem,...all food safe, organic,.... :smoking:
Yes it may have been just soil mites.

I fed the soil some Metarhizium anisopliae in pure spore form mixed in water before I went to sleep last night and in the morning I checked and it seems to have killed them all.
I'll check again after work.