Buds not fattening

Dec 18, 2022
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Hey guys hope everyone is good!
I am on my 1st ever grow & have had incredible help from everyone on here previously. I am growing auto colorado cookies from Dutch Passion. MarsHydro TS600 being used. Space is 60x60x150cm.

I have 2 plants, both in their 8 week from seed, one seems to be fattening up pretty nicely however the other one is not, and I don’t know why?

Is this normal? For one plant to be considerably slower than the other, even though there is no difference is conditions?

The first plant is full of Trichs but the slower plant hasn’t got much yet.

Any help I would appreciate as always guys, thank you!:bighug:
Plants vary, don't sweat the timing difference. They look healthy, but those yellow tips are telling you that mischief is afoot, likely too high ppms in the nutes. Good luck with it. :pighug:
Looks like they’re getting fed too much. Too much nitrogen in there that’s why sugar leafs are clawing. Back off the nitrogen or your base feed and increase PK. They still have a while yet. Let them flower for a minimum of 8wks alone
Thanks guys! I am feeding them via BioTabs and in the last week I have been adding added PK (Canna). But yer I will let them flower for 8 weeks. I’m going to be using the Trichome method when harvesting an look for about 10% amber Trichs, try an get that couch lock!
Thanks guys! I am feeding them via BioTabs and in the last week I have been adding added PK (Canna). But yer I will let them flower for 8 weeks. I’m going to be using the Trichome method when harvesting an look for about 10% amber Trichs, try an get that couch lock!
When did u add the Biotabs, .
How many & how much soil are u using?
Just use water now and forget the PK
Im gonna agree with everyone here. Looks like you still got a ways to go and buds really dont start packing on the weight till almost halfway through flower, calyxs are forming and as the older ones swell new ones will grow in hopes to collect pollen. This will keep happening until about 2-3 weeks before harvest. I have 2 plants that you wouldnt even guess are the same strain in late flower.

One I harvested already one still has at least a week to go yet. Bud structure is similar but one is far denser all around, while the other produced way more bud just a little less dense. The one plant faded to a nice purple red and orange where as its sister is just barely purpling at all. Also one is half the height, but that might be because of me lol, but its also the plant that stacked up better. So really its just the genetic wild card and plants individuality.
They are kind of like children. Feed them the same yet they grow different. Sometimes the little one will grow up to be bigger than the other in the end. Don't sweat it. I also agree to stop the PK for now because they look overfed. I also wouldn't count on them being done in 8 weeks. I have never had a seed-- photo or auto finish within what the breeder says. For me its a minimum of two weeks more. The first grow time will stop when it comes to ripening too.