Outdoor Brojo's Outdoor Grow Attempt

Nov 5, 2018
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Hello all-

I am located in Puerto Rico where the sun is nearly always 12/12 and the temperature is about 26-30 degrees celsius . I have a large terrace at my residence where I have been attempting to grow auto-flowering strains. My first batch did not do to well I realized about a month in that the pots in which I was growing in did not have holes at the bottom so when I went to PH down and add nutes 3/4 plants died -- one has slightly recovered however has stunted growth. Since then I have started a ton of new plants and also took over a plant from a buddy who had to leave town. He gave me the plant which was about 2-3 months old and about 3 feet tall. I had to go out of town for a family death so I left it on the terrace and when i came back the plant had been damaged (im guessing from wind) and the main stalk broke along with 2 others. I think i have gotten to start to recover.

The soil in which I am using is black gold mixed with roots organic potting soil. I add a bit of worm casting and bat guano to each one and start them in 5 gallon mesh bags or 12 gallon plastic pots (with holes drilled in the bottom).

I am going to post my old thread below that shows how I screwed up the first batch and then show the one which recovered. I will also post a picture of the big plant (skittles feminized seed non auto-flowering that was started indoor and moved outdoor where it took some pretty hard damage). I have another old baby that never really took off and started flowering really early. I will also post all of my new babies which are now 20 days in.
I am located in Puerto Rico and have a terrace that gets great sun coverage. The temperature is always about 80-85F degrees, pretty humid but good sun coverage. However, the sun is out about 12 hours a day every day, which is why I decided to use autoflowering seeds and I didn't want them to preflower because of natural outdoor 12/12 sunlight . I started some autoflower seeds 2 Assed Monkey, 1 Golden glue. The plants were looking nice here are pictures of the plants last week:

Assed Monkey 1 Picture Taken 12/11/18 -
About 6 weeks since germination
Started to preflower

Assed Monkey 2 Picture Taken 12/11/18 -
About 6 weeks since germination
Started to preflower

Golden Glue 1 Picture Taken 12/17/18 -
About 6 weeks since germination
Had Not started flowering

Second post coming with step by step of what was done to the plants and updated pictures --- they are horrible :(

I was reading that it was good to clip off leaves that were not getting sun and towards the bottom of the plant - so I trimmed about 5-6 leaves off each plant. I also added some PH down as I had done 2 weeks prior as the PH levels were always getting towards the 8 ph mark but the PH down usually brought them down to about 6. In that same water mixture, I mixed a few tables spoons of FoxFarms Grow hoping this would help spur further growth of the plants as they had just grown pretty big over the last week or two and wanted to keep that going. I have since then read that trimming plants that are in the flowering stage can be deadly so I am wondering if that is the cause of this horrible death that is taking over the plants... Am I completely screwed on these? I have another 10 little plants that germinated and are just spouting now so I will have a second chance at this but would love to save these current ones.

Assed Monkey 1
Picture Taken 12/16/18 -
About 7 weeks since germination
The flowers/buds are still alive and green at the bottom however have some browning/burn at the tops of them. All of the leaves are looking very burnt. But the main stalks are still very strong looking.

Assed Monkey 2 Picture Taken 12/16/18 -
About 7 weeks since germination
The Flowers/Buds are still healthy looking but much of the leaves are droopy and brown looking like they will die.

Golden Glue 1 Picture Taken 12/17/18 -
About 6 weeks since germination
This one has the least amount of damage and I think it was because the pruning was done before the plant really started to bud/flower. I think this one still stands a chance

I noticed after inspecting further that these pots unlike the other ones I have do not have holes at the bottom. I have since then cut larger holes into the bottom and did a watering that flushed out a lot of what could be over-fertilization. I haven't done any watering on them since this as I believe that they are probably overwatered and had very little water circulation being that the pots didn't have holes at the bottom.

What is the best course of action from here? Are they goners or is there a certain action I can take to try to save these to at least yield something. This is my first attempt at growing. Any information would be much appreciated. The state of these plants make me very disappointed I put a lot of time and effort into getting these plants alive and they seemed to be very healthy than almost overnight I wrecked them.

For the next round: I am setting up an indoor hydro grow for the next batch of plants and am going to move them outside after they have a nice strong 24/hr light veg for a month or two.​
Golden Glue 1 Picture Taken 1/05/19 -
About 8 weeks since germination. (the last one in the photos from my 2nd post)
here is the current condition:

The pot on this one still feels very heavy and I'm worried that there is root-rot at the bottom so I flushed it out yesterday drilled some more holes in the bottom and also stuck a pencil in the soil about 5 times to add some aeration to it. I have not added any nutes to it since the last time I had posted. Let me know what you guys think on this one..
Here is the 3 Month old Skittles Plant which had a broken stalk:

I came home after being out of town for 10 days to find it like that. Since then I have duct taped + rubberbanded it back up and put a metal stake in to support it. Its began to flower since then:



I try my best to keep it out of the wind... I leave pretty close to the ocean so the wind gusts can be pretty strong and this plant is pretty tall and skinny.
The day after i found it broken I taped it up and added some Revive to it.
Now we are about 7 days after that and I have been letting it get as much sun as possible only have watered it twice.
Yesterday i measured the ph and saw it was nearing 8.5 so I added a bit of PH down to its watering and this morning I added some fox farm big bloom to give it some extra nutes.

Let me know what you guys think on this one and how to make sure it stays alive through harvesting.
heya :pass:plants and especially cannabis likes well draining soil.make lots of holes :thumbsup:
good luck n keep er lit
As archie has said they love well drained soil, improving wet/dry cycles will help a lot. Maybe consider adding extra perlite next time?
Hola @brojo ! Nice to see another tropical grower here!!

I agree with the above.
Since these are your first grows, most common mistakes are over-watering and over-fertilizing.
Get those pots nicely drained, and avoid the impulse to feed them too much.
Check your local water if you can. If it's normally pH 8.5, you may need to adjust every watering.
Or... find another source? Can you collect rainwater? Find a stream nearby?
Airflow is important, but if they're outside anywhere, they'll be fine.
Avoid the coastal winds, but make sure they're getting maximum light exposure.