New Grower ? Bout puff puff pass lol

Mar 10, 2015
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When smoking a blunt or joint it's puff puff pass
Is it the same for a bowl or a bong ?
Yep the same as far as I know some people like to double hit it but its toke pass to the left side
Been smoking since the early 90s and for me nothing changed but the president's
If I'm alone lol everyone wants that green taste over burnt bowl so I think its kinder to pass
Seen people hit it twice when they don't have alot but why break it out if there's not enough to share
Proper etiquette I've seen is:
  • Always pass to the left
  • Take one hit, offer it to the next in line
  • If the bowl's green, try to burn a fraction of it instead of torching the whole top; that way everyone gets a green hit
  • Offer to share bud when possible; it's fine if they decline, but don't be a leech that never chips in
  • Don't spill the bong water, don't drop the glass
When I was a novice smoker or concerned about smoking too much of someone's stash because I couldn't chip in, I was occasionally encouraged to take a second, stronger hit because they felt my first was too small. Never take a second hit without being invited to. If you're providing, you can always demand first hit when loading and make it a big one. If you're not providing, don't be greedy.