New Grower books


The pope of mango
Dec 7, 2014
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I want to start reading some books about cannabis growing, effects, strains I don't care what it's about just not the political bla bla bla since I pretty much know what I need to know about that.

suggestions? Want to start taking my skills up a notch etc..!
I'm a noob, but my experience is that you need to pay attention to when the information came about. Just a few years ago we were still told to plant with pointy "end down" and temperatures should be "warm." Knowledge is growing so quickly we need to know that what we are learning is up to date information. If you are reading a book published in 2009 you may be getting outdated information.

Just my observation.

The best information you can get is right here on this forum.

I don't know of specific books, but there may well be a few. But if you look in the smoke report section of almost any canna forum, you can get a good idea of what strains can do for you.

My two cents deary

Thanks for the info guys I know the internet (including this forum) is a great source of information.
Thing is we all know (or at least probably can agree) that legalisation is near or nearer than it ever was.

I'd like to make growing my job when it does and I just want to read up and acquire great amounts of knowledge so I can enter really knowing what I'm doing when the market start going here!

I've always been fascinated by this plant and so far it's been an amazing journey.

But thing is the internet and forums etc.. are so unorganised that it's sometimes diffucult to find something good to read that explains everything step by step + sometimes just because you don't know about something or don't know a term for something you just never stumble upon it and I'm really eager to know everything there's to know.
Before you start reading, as ghost said earlier, dont believe everything you read! when I read any book that claims to be factual I always check the facts against the original source and other books along a similar line. while doing my checks I have found that errors have been made by even the most reputable of sources, after all we are all human.

Having said that here are a few of the books I read when I started to expand my knowledge I hope they help you out mate

beginners guide to marijuana
curing marijuana
Ed Rosenthals marijuana growing tips
How to grow medicinal marijuana
How to make Hash oil
Marijuana and cannabinoids
Marijuana botany
Marijuana growers guide
Marijuana horticulture growing indoors and outdoors
THC resin extraction
Understanding Marijuana

There are lots more so if these aren't what you are looking for let me know and I will give you another list.
good_post-sign.gifseraphim19, you are NOT a simple "grower" are BOTANIST, put it on your business card and things will perk up.........respect..........basic knowledge and then on here for what the wrigglies are doing live........think books are generally behind the curve, has to be, how can they not be.....realtime, you know........unless you study history sko037.gif
Hey illbethere I'm like you in wanting to get as much info as possible before starting :) I finished reading : Jeorge Cervantes marijuana horticulture.

it was alright but I find most of the books I downloaded are quite out off date ... I'll hunt down a torrent link I got few months ago with about 20gb of video guides books and docos.
illbethere;767105 ...[COLOR=#333333 said:
Thing is we all know (or at least probably can agree) that legalisation is near or nearer than it ever was.[/COLOR]

I'd like to make growing my job when it does and I just want to read up and acquire great amounts of knowledge so I can enter really knowing what I'm doing when the market start going here!

I could be very wrong...
but presuming you are in the US or a country with similar rather sophisticated laws about pharmaceutical regulation, federal legalization could mean THC/cannabinoids are reduced to say Schedule 1 or 2, or whatever lower level of regulation gets the products away from DEA and regulated by FDA. On the national level, this would mean cannabis products being available by prescription. This would be true legalization and great for medical users, with their prescription use presumably covered by insurance. But it could suck for recreational users, with legal, pharmaceutical grade (at least in terms of quality control) products likely needing to be standardized, with genuine corporations (including many of the cannabis hype investment/plan-to-grow companies now out there just waiting for this) likely the only ones capable of dealing with pharmaceutical-level quality control and product standardization.

If there will be a place for small growers in a national registered, cannabis tax-paying legalization context, it would likely require them forming collectives, all growing the same products, much as many farms, e.g., dairy farms, operate in the US.

Also, people claiming professional credentials as former criminals, pot-growers, will likely never get federal licenses, and may not even be hirable for growing operations. Also, hiring pot users to work on a pot farm sounds like an invitation to endless lawsuits.
I presume pot farmers will be like other farmers and hire migrant or whatever workers currently do agricultural work.

Now, there still will likely be an underground economy competing with legalized stuff on the basis of quality, variety and cost (not paying the taxes and having all the overhead of licensed growers). If you want to set a professional goal of being a criminal, that's OK, just as long as you realize that's what you'd be doing.

Otherwise, why aim so low - setting your sights on becoming a minimum wage farm hand? Why not set higher goals for yourself -- go to Oaksterdam University, and/or get a degree in horticulture, botany, agriculture, biochemistry, or even business management, etc. (perhaps, while growing on the side) and then try to get a job in the pot industry? Or why not start planning now to be the owner of a legal cannabis farm, not a farm hand, in which case you will need to learn all about managing a business and employees, financing, etc.
Sent us a couple links illbethere :) check your pm's I sent ya Marijuana Botany, and the cannAbis breeders bible both very good. Books
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