My Welly Boot entries

Gorilla Glue Auto & BCN Critical XXL Auto :smoking:
Transferred from solo cups to their new home today, Day 10 and I'll top them both in a few days when they've had time to recover
Week 3
Day 17
Week 4
Day 28
They don't seem to be enjoying welly living much

but they're still growing, just

I'll pick my battle plant in a couple of days

BCN Critical left, Gorilla Glue right
Week 5
Day 34
I'm choosing the Gorilla Glue Auto as my battle plant

it wasn't a hard choice in the end. The other one looks like crap
Gorilla Glue Auto
BCN Critical XXL Auto
Gorilla Glue Auto
Day 51
Bloody thing has taken an age to start flowering

but she's off and running now, thankfully

leaves aren't looking that healthy, but my other welly girl has even worse looking leaves but looks to be budding up quite nicely, so we'll see how this one gets on
Seedstockers - Gorilla Glue Auto
Day 95
If it wasn't for the leaves turning to crap, she wouldn't look to bad. Certainly in no rush to finish though.
View attachment 1276362
Seedstockers- Gorilla Glue Auto
Day 105