Dutch Passion Blue AutoMazar Blog by Insert, 2-for-1 launch promo started on BAM!


Autoflower Master
AFN Authorized Vendor
Nov 17, 2011
Reaction score
Yeees, babies.

Blue AutoMazar is launched on our website, for 2 weeks only we have a never-seen-before offer. Buy a pack of 7 or 3 Blue AutoMazar's and get a corresponding free pack of our new AutoWhite Widow. Thats 14 top quality feminized seeds for around €60.

Insert, and several others, ran superb diaries on Blue AutoMazar before the public release. We dont think a seedbank can be any more open and transparent than that, nor any more confident in the quality of breeding. The blog on Insert's grow is here.


and here is our special offer..

and here a few piccys courtesy of Insert to show what you could be enjoying 11 weeks from now (we do 24 hour seed deliery as an option ho ho)

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Hi TaNg
I have grown the DP AutoBlueberry and AutoMazar and i can imagine what great strain it must be. I have seen the different report of BAM and AWW thanks to all of you for the the nice pictures and reports.

cu tobe
Bravo :clap: :bow: :smokebuds:
Now that is one amazing looking strain #DutchPassionTony!! I know what just moved to the top of my next order list!!
And the smoke gets better and better with the cure, but you all knew that would happen dint'ya??!!! Thanks again to Tony and the Crew at DP for letting me have the opp to grow such an amazing plant. Thanks to AFN for sharing the knowledge!!!!