Indoor blooming situation question

Aug 16, 2016
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hi guys quick question here:
i have four babies indoor and one of them (auto critical +) seem to stop its blooming, i mean she started to bud but theres no trichome development and it seemed to stop.
also she has some "droopiness" problem in some leafs. i thought its overwatering but it doesn't seem so. the other ladies seems to be just fine - they are getting the same amount of water and nutes..
photos of her are included.
any help or idea would be awesome.
thanks in advance :)


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It looks like there in the early bloom stage and forming buds and this takes some time so just hang in there.Usually when there this size it's hard to over water and cause drooping,so it could need watering.Other than that they look just fine.
namvet25 knows what he's talking about. :worship::pass:

I'd remind you though that Autos often need far less nutes. So watch out for tip burn as an early sign of over fert.
for sure, i do keep aware of that. its just that the other 3 are doing far better and they are all about 2 months old..
so im starting to think what may cause this pressure for it to slow its budding
thanks again you guys.
it has just occured to me, perhaps its the light circle? i use 24 hours light.
maybe this strain needs some nap time to flower properly, thinking about switching to 20\4.. maybe 18\6
any thoughts?
I think you might have some salt build up. Is she in coco?
And for the light cycle, just google it, plants under continuous light do not perform photosynthesis 24/7, this CAN BE REVERIFIED simply by measuring the plants co2 and o2 intake. So leaving lights on 24/7 (except for revegging a flowering plant, not auto for sure) does more harm than good.
Equipment life spent for no use, too much heat(resulting in less color in colored strains, heat stress,tip burn...), higher electricity bill and more stress for your ladies.
Not to forget thc degradation in light exposure.

Grow in peace, spread the love :)
i grow in soil but i did switch to 18\6.. hopefully she'll do well
thanks for the tips you guys, always glad to learn more
i grow in soil but i did switch to 18\6.. hopefully she'll do well
thanks for the tips you guys, always glad to learn more
When in doubt, if no ec or ph could be measured and compared with runoff with precision, a well performed flush wont hurt :)
i did switch to 18\6 and it did help. looks like her breed needs to sleep for flowering. makes sense i guess, the bill will love it too.
i notice that some of the fan leaves go up, i know its usually a sign for it to look for more light but i doubt it. i also read somewhere that it might be PH related.
thoughts you guys?
ill try to upload a photo soon, im not there