Lighting Bloom Plus?? Anyone??

Jul 30, 2020
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CUrious if anyone has messed with one of these?

Basically I snagged one super cheap to supplement the missing light in my "massive" 4'x4' tent, for which i'm currently only using a Mars TS 600. .. 3 plants, transplanted clones that are still small but no way I can raise all 3 of these under just the TS 600. My wife would've slayed me if I spent another $450 on a TSW 3000 :lol: so this BP1000 was small enough to sneak in, in the meantime.

Another concern, running 2 different lights that have "similar" overall looks and purpose but what if they're putting off waaay different wavelenghts? Or is that a marginal enough issue to not matter? Any advice about "mismatched lighting" would be super helpful. I'm thinking in maybe 2 or 3 decent runs i'll get a proper, single fixture
The light came in today and I was able to get it set up, easily moved some stuff around since my grow tent is basically a friggin studio apartment :lol: threw my wife's boombox in there and have it playing classical & jazz radio


Now that I have the Bloom Plus BP1000 and Mars Hydro TS600 side by side, I can run the plants in a row instead of clumping them under just the TS600. I think I'll keep the plants where they are, it'll be interesting to see if one side does better than the other. Stay tuned!
are you serenading your girls? I think I see a little boombox (do people even use that term anymore) in the corner