Biotabs & Seeds_Stockers Auto Battle 2. Leg beginning 4.20!

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  • calling all seed stockers contenders.......please speak up and make a post so i can get a threadmark into this seed stockers section to drop your pictures into.

    germ date 4/20-Halloween

    From here on out...please tag me @Trichome farmer with all future updates.

    if you can, possibly, go back and tag any pics already posted. You dont have to but makes it easier on me to sort

    make a post here so i can see you active and start grabbing your updates thank you

    1. @Chronic_ passion
    2. @Mary Djayne
    3. @HighnDry
    4. @L0wbob2017
    5. @Mikis
    6. @Bubble D
    7. @Sabelter O Adoob
    8. @Trichome farmer
    9. @L0wbob2017
    10. @JohnEMad
    11. @Gamer4win
    trichome farmer
  • example . im here and ready to battle then il threadmark your post and and when you tag me in the big battle with your update il drag and drop them over here for safe keeping
    Mary Djayne
  • 1591198489418.png
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