Nutrients BioTabs Guerrilla Tabs question

Mar 15, 2017
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Hey Buds,

If I plan on using Guerrilla Tabs by Biotabs for a outdoor grow with autoflowers do you think I would need to only use 25-50% what they recommend on the product? Have never used anything like this before, so any input is appreciated.

for autos outdoors I dunno really. I would think though for outdoor use for photos they would be great imo. that or a mix of the two. only a guess but i think the rates of degradation are slower,but again just a guess.the feeding aggressiveness or how hot it may be,is most likely a little bit more.maybe with autos using a plug like system till week 3 maybe? week 2 even for an aggressively large strain potentially..justa guess,I have not used them really.just used products like them but that was long ago,they are vastly different now with the materials and rates of feeding. Good luck bro,happy harvesting

Outdoor is real easy...Pop in some Guerrilla tabs in the soil 15 liter 4 Gtabs.
Then first water solution with 5 ML Guerrilla juice per liter water.
Then 4 weeks only water...
After that, 10ML Guerrilla juice per liter of water, repeat that every week until the end.
Have a good grow!

Outdoor is real easy...Pop in some Guerrilla tabs in the soil 15 liter 4 Gtabs.
Then first water solution with 5 ML Guerrilla juice per liter water.
Then 4 weeks only water...
After that, 10ML Guerrilla juice per liter of water, repeat that every week until the end.]

Ooops, I mucked that up! Here's my 1st ever grow, 2 blue dream autos, following your instructions with the guerrilla tabs and juice. 6 weeks old from seed!