Biotabs & Fastbuds Autoflower Battle 2. Leg beginning 4.20!

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fast buds roll call
  • calling all fast buds contenders.......please speak up and make a post so i can get a threadmark into this fast buds section to drop your pictures into.

    germ date 4/20-Halloween

    From here on out...please tag me @Trichome farmer with all future updates.

    if you can, possibly, go back and tag any pics already posted. You dont have to but makes it easier on me to sort

    make a post here so i can see you active and start grabbing your updates thank you

    1. @Bubble D
    2. @HighnDry
    3. @St. Tom
    4. @Splitty37
    5. @Ribbzzy
    6. @Chronic_ passion
    7. @hairyman
    8. @Sabelter O Adoob
    9. @Mary Djayne
    10. @Trooperwife
    trichome farmer
  • for example just make a post so i know your active and participating here then il threadmark your post and when you tag me in the big battle thread il drag and drop your updates to here for safe keeping
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    st.tom battle updates
  • here i am @Trichome farmer but I've been posting updates in the bio tabs and back in the biggest battle thread i will try find some for you
    1 germ pic
    cheers pal here is mine I'm starting her in a solo cup and will be making up my bio tabs pot in a few days as i will have a sprout by tmoz as i can see her coming through and i may grow another in a solo cup for fun

    week 2 update
    well my wedding cheesecake girl is in her biotab airpot home and a bit thanks to fastbuds and bio tabs. i started her in a solo cup and shes now 7 days old so here's a few pics I've also put a zamnesia white dwarf in a cloth pot with the same mix a few days ago and the both are in the 1st pic also





    update no 3

    wedding cake girls one in bio tabs and the others in a solo at day 12

    day 19 and my fastbuds wedding cake is in the airpot at day 16 same as solo cup


    update 4 day 28
    these are from Sunday Fastbuds wedding cheesecake and biotabs shes at day 24



    day 28 on my 2 girls they have only had water besides there one starter feed and a little spray of boom boom each week and its says to give them one more feed of bactrex and orgatrex in week 5 is that week 5 from in the pot or the plant's age sorry for sounding dumb and would you give it more than a one time feed of orgatrex


    update no 6
    Fasbuds day 41 wedding cheesecake in biotabs




    day 51 so week 7 update on my wedding cheesecake shes budding up great

    week 8 i think wedding cheesecake at day 62 ive had lots of changes in her she's been losing a lot of colour in her leaves so I've upped her feed and she seems to have responded very well and she will be kept giving her daily pk dose till day 70






    week 9 update day 68 on both my @Fast Buds Heather wedding cheesecakes the big one is in coco and biotabs and her chunky solo cup sister is on emerald harvest




    My wedding cheesecake has just been harvested at day 73 and this will be my first organic plant I've ever grown

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