Indoor bigger pot bigger yield?


Jul 27, 2012
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I have a 12 gallon bag of fox farms ocean forest soil and I'm preparing my grow tent. Ill be getting 3 think different autos and a white widow auto freebie. I'm growing under a 400w hps cool tube. Having the 12 gallon bag I'm not sure if I want to plant all four in 3 gallon pots, or if I should plant 2 in 3 gallon pots and one in a 5 gallon. Ive grown in the 3 gallon pots and the yield was fairly small. My question is will the 5 gallon pot make a big difference in the size or is 3 gallons enough to do the trick?:D
3 gallon is plenty imo. but u might want to experiment with the 5gal for your satisfaction. test the 5gal out! u know u want to!!!
have a look at my grow. ive got 5 auto berries in 2.5gal buckets and im on day 41 and packing on weight. im using coco with canna nutes and a 600w hps...
I would like to but I've had somebody on here say they grew some in a 3 gallon and 5 gallon and it messed up their growth/light spacing? Is this likely?
I grow in several size planters.I just put a cement block or block of wood under the smaller/short pots so they are all at the same light level.:thumbs:
depends on your setup space.. 400w hps can do 4 plants in 5 gal pots.. if u have the space u will be fine
The 3 gallon and the 5 gallon are the same height, the 5 is just wider so I should be ok :D
I'm growing in 11litre pots myself. But I reckon it would be a great idea to see if the increased pot size does much for yield.
I agree I have a 12 gallon bag and I can plant one seed in a 5 five gallon pot and two others in 3 gallon pots. Which would be about 11 of the 12 gallons. OR I can plant 4 seeds each in 3 gallon pots I'm jus not sure would be better in the long run..:help: