OLD REVIEWS Big Easy - Freedom Seeds


Flowery Twats
AFN Global Moderator
Cultivators Club
Sep 7, 2016
Reaction score
SeedBank :

Freedom Seeds


Big Easy

Did it autoflower?: Yes


Soil / Coco - 1/3 Bio Bizz, 1/3 B&Q Verve, 1/3 coco
25ltr pots


Plant Magic Old Timer range
Plant Magic Mag-Cal
AV Big Bud and Over Drive
Green Fuse Root Stimulator
Liquid Seaweed

Light (kind and schedule):

20/4 - Mars 600w classic, Mars 96 refector

From seed to harvest date: about 90 days

Dry Yield: One plant 4-5 oz... I had my hand in the jar

High/Effect Duration:

short lived but a good psychedelic hit that hit quick and makes you drop out to think about belly button fluff for a bit, then peter's out in a light buzzy effect.

A great day time smoke for the experienced. I've have been chonging away all day on this stuff and still getting my shit sorted, the main hit is quick and short lived, 20 mins or so. That being said it has court me out a couple of times... Also It did nail some friends to the floor...for a long time.

RATE SCALE: * bad to ***** good

I give it 2 out of 5 for bag appeal, that could be down to my growing skills. I did do 2 runs, second run much denser but still she's not the prettiest bud's. I think she would make a great hash plant, super frosty.


In the right space, pots and hands she could be big plant with a huge yield.
She was not to keen on training, had a few sulks but took it. Worth doing, got huge buds. Also she can be very leafy and light has trouble getting to her lower buds which caused half the cola's to be fluffy. Had to defoliate loads.

THE SMELL: *****

Now this is where the Big easy wins and why you may want to grow her. When growing she has a very strong smell of lemons through out that go's through various stage's. One plant started off chocolatey lemon and ended up gluey lemon. An other a sickly shurbert lemony putrid fruit and ended up gluey. Its when she has dried that the real appeal comes through and its wonderful... its kinda like a citrus ice cream, heavy on the cream with a medicinal edge... My nose has got tolerant to it but according to the misses 'The house fucking stinks' when I open my little jar and grid some up.


This is a tough one, 2 stars but I feel she could be a 4 star may be 5 after a long cure... I have had the buds curing for near 4 weeks now and its has only just started to taste like the smell, its slowly getting there, still a bit harsh.
The Big Easy is a plant that needs a good long cure

THE HIGH: *****

Well my tolerance level is way up so its medium high for an every day toker...nails the part timer.
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:slap: Nice report sir.
Thanks for taking the time...repped!