Harvest & Curing Big bud autos ready?

Jun 5, 2020
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I've been watching my 1 plant for a few days, pistils turned a week or so ago. It's currently 8 weeks 6 days in and roughly 26 days into flower.
I can't find accurate seed to flower times on the site I ordered them but I'm pretty sure I'm on the home stretch. Can't see many Amber triches yet but can anyone else agree that it's probably time to start flushing?



I'm tempted to start flushing or shall I leave her for another few weeks?
All up to you. My 65/70 day plants are on day 91 and still hardly any amber and quite a few clears.
You're still a ways off from being done. How long did you plan to flush for ?

Probably worth a read

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You're still a ways off from being done. How long did you plan to flush for ?

Probably worth a read

i'm using biobizz so i wasn't planning on flushing to be honest. I'll just let her carry on for a few weeks then! i thought as the pistils were turning and there's alot of cloudy thrichs she was almost done.
i'm using biobizz so i wasn't planning on flushing to be honest. I'll just let her carry on for a few weeks then! i thought as the pistils were turning and there's alot of cloudy thrichs she was almost done.
I'm not big on reading trichs, my old eyes don't support that type of evaluation anymore. But I believe you should be looking at the calyx for trichomes and not the leaves. Looking at the pistols however is easy, you want 95% of them to have turned brown and shriveled up into the bud.