New Grower Best Yeild Competition

Oct 8, 2011
Reaction score
Having seen the ingenuity and out of the box thinking during some of the competitions , I decided to host one thats a little different .

This will be the best yield ( grams) per square foot competition . The idea being to see what can be squeezed out of available space . That means the winner could be someone with a 10x10 room or someone doing a PC grow . It will come down to how best the grower utilizes his/her space and their growing prowess.

Rules are pretty straight forward . If any seem to vague etc , please let me know and I can clarify .

Rules for Grams per Square Foot competition :

  • Plants used need to be of an autoflower strain only
  • No limit on number of plants , but plants that turn male, die , or stunt cannot be replaced . Must do it as a single run , not a perpetual etc .
  • Any type of lighting can be used , as well as any growing style ( hydro/soil/aero/etc)
  • The grow space will be measured by floor space used . If you use a 2x3 foot tent , it is 6 square feet . If you only use half of the tent , it is still 6 square feet since the plants can expand into the non used area .
  • Periodic updates with an initial pic of grow area to be used .
  • Weight is dry weight
  • To allow people to set something up members will have until the end of February to enter , and the end date is going to be May 31 . That is within most auto time lines except the super autos .

I”ll be keeping tabs on those joining in on this and once the competition is over will announce the winner . The prize will be choice of any pack from our own AFN shop (excluding bulk pack) . I have also been told that someone of great repute is willing to thrown in some seed as a prize also . ( lol , if they want to chime in they can, or it can be a surprise)

Good luck to all who try this . I think it can/will be a learning experience for many .

Just wanted to throw this out there . I have done this before using photos and have gotten a 74 gram per square foot yield . I will be doing my own grow on this , but not doing it in the competition.

Lol was photos , not autos .
you should try grams per watt then convert it to a ratio. for example if someone got 350gs off 600 it would be .58. The closer you get to 1 the higher your yields are. Just my $0.02
I thought about grams per watt . But my thought is this . I can buy the best , most expensive lights . Does that make my grow techniques better than someone elses? The idea about grams per square foot allows anyone , regardless of monetary ability , the chance to show how well they grow . Hence why I said even someone doing a PC grow could win .

The other thing about doing gram per watt is it compares apples and oranges between grows . LED/HID/CFL/T5 ...... they all have strengths in different areas .
I get what your saying JM. There will always be variables. But........ when doing grams per watt , wattage is not concrete . Is a 300 watt LED really 300 watts? Do you go by power draw or do you go by listed wattage?

With grams per square foot it is an exact . 2x2 is always going to be 4 square feet . The conditions a grower puts that 2x2 is what will change the outcome . They decide the environment . That was the idea for me to go with square footage instead of lighting . It lets a grower decide what THEY want to do to effect plant growth and eventual outcome .I look at grows like Scotts beercan minidro , or Micro.growers PC case and see they are each doing something different with great results . That is what I was looking for . Outside the box thinking and growing skills .
I thought about grams per watt . But my thought is this . I can buy the best , most expensive lights . Does that make my grow techniques better than someone elses? The idea about grams per square foot allows anyone , regardless of monetary ability , the chance to show how well they grow . Hence why I said even someone doing a PC grow could win .

The other thing about doing gram per watt is it compares apples and oranges between grows . LED/HID/CFL/T5 ...... they all have strengths in different areas .

Dont know why the type of lighting is even a relevant and why you even brang it up. If someone in a pc case has 2x23w cfls and manages to pull an oz thats 28 out of 46w. Score of .61 Me personally, If I yielded 450 grams off my 1000w that would be score of .45 which is less than what the guy in the pc case got. Closest to 1 wins. Do you get it??? Also how do you measures someones sq ft exactly in this contest? By size of pot on floor or by size of plant at end? Or size of entire grow area? What if I started in 3x3 but plant only took up 2.7x2.4 at the end. Can I measure that to give myself a better score? See what I mean. Also what if my area is 4x4 tent and I know my one plant one take up that much, I still have to use the 4x4 area for what my score is based off of? Its whatever man its your thread. Have a blast.

Looking forward to the 32oz contest :thumbs:

EDIT: To the reply above...You go by power drawn of course lol
Phammy . what someone starts with for a grow cab/room/etc is what this is based on . If you start with a 4x4 foot tent , then it's 16 square feet . What YOU decide to do with it is up to you . If you don't utilize the space , then you lower your yield . The square footage is determined by the exterior "walls" of your grow space .

Again , the lights do not matter . This is about getting the most out of an available grow space . And that space is determined by how many square feet you use . What is the distance it would take to walk around that space? The answer to that question is what your available floor space is .

Much like the party cup grows , you have just one limiting factor . The cups in one , floor space in the other . Neither requires any wattage limits etc , except for the 32 oz comp witch is just soil .

The idea here is to think outside of the box . What can YOU do within a given space . If you choose to grow 1 or 20 plants within a space ,do hydro , do soil , use LED or HID , etc etc . That is up to the grower . It's wide open expect for the grams per square feet .

Btw , the power drain of lights does differ . Unless a person has access to a Kill-a-watt or something similar , they won't know what they are truly drawing .
So i have no tent and im in a standard 10x10 room with a single 125w cfl. No reason for me to compete cause there is no chance i will win. Unfortunately I dont have the the money to utilize my space :cry: