Best Premade Organic Living Soil

Mar 3, 2020
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Hey people,

Going in to my first grow, and I have about everything chose aside from the soil I’m going to use. Planned grow setup is a 3gallon fabric smart pot in a 2x2 grow tent.

I want to use a bagged super soil to make the process easier. My goal is to add/amend as little as possible, outside of adding perlite and mycorrhizae. I am in an apartment so making my own soil isn’t really an option

I’m between KIS organics and their nutrient pack, or Coast of Maine Stonington with their fertilizer/amendments.

Do you all have a suggestion as to which I should do? willing to pay a premium on soil if it’s good enough to last almost a full autoflower grow cycle with minimal fertilizer/amendments on the backend. If you wouldnt use either of these, which soil would you use and why?
Hey people,

Going in to my first grow, and I have about everything chose aside from the soil I’m going to use. Planned grow setup is a 3gallon fabric smart pot in a 2x2 grow tent.

I want to use a bagged super soil to make the process easier. My goal is to add/amend as little as possible, outside of adding perlite and mycorrhizae. I am in an apartment so making my own soil isn’t really an option

I’m between KIS organics and their nutrient pack, or Coast of Maine Stonington with their fertilizer/amendments.

Do you all have a suggestion as to which I should do? willing to pay a premium on soil if it’s good enough to last almost a full autoflower grow cycle with minimal fertilizer/amendments on the backend. If you wouldnt use either of these, which soil would you use and why?

heya @organicgordon and :welcome: to afn! :toke: u may find some answerz here -> ;) meanwhile, it'z a great commune here to help u get dialed in & anything u need, jus give a holler :thumbsup:

ppp & :goodluck:

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