Dutch Passion Best place to buy DP seeds? + a few other questions.. (US)

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let's go, let's gooo
Dec 19, 2012
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So, I looked at the DP site and I see there's no option for USD which leads me to believe there's no US sales from the direct site.. Attitude wants $18 per Think Different seed and herbies wants $14 per TD seed.. herbies shipping is $8 and 'tude is $13, so clearly the better deal here is herbies.. herbies also throws in three free seeds while Attitude throws in one. Are there any better sites to purchase these seeds? I'd like to order a 3 pack but $41 for 3 + $8 shipping is $50 for three seeds, that's like $17.50 shipped per seed (I'm not complaining, I just can't afford it, that's my fault not theirs).. Are DP's auto's STRICTLY feminized?

My iPad should sell on eBay by Wednesday and then I want to order some beans.. TD's look so tasty.
37.75 for the seeds (they're charging me tax?) + 19.70 shipping = $57.45 with no free beans. Better than 'tude, but herbies still reigns supreme.. hrm. It looks like I'll be using herbies if no one else has any suggestions. I know these banks raise the price quite a bit, so not much I can do.. thank you for your time MITJ :)
Not a problem bro . they do get cheaper the more you buy. I didn't look into their promos


I have had the best results with Herbies... best price... fastest delivery.