Outdoor best outdoor auto strain


The lady is now here x
Aug 11, 2016
Reaction score
hi all

just curious as to what peoples best outcomes have been outside...
i would like hat everyone wants high yield high thc..
im either lookin at

auto ultimate
think big

six shooter

if anybody has got any alternatives and the results you got from them
a rough ball park figure is good for time and yield

hey BlueDream, I grow greenhouse N of the Arctic circle, blue dream is fast and reliable, sweet skunk is fast and loaded with resin, six shooter is fast and yields more, autoultimate is too slow for my set up
Lol I tagged you in his other thread, BTW @BlueDream you only need to post this question in one place. Here at AFN people will respond pretty quickly usually so one thread is usually enough
Lol I tagged you in his other thread, BTW @BlueDream you only need to post this question in one place. Here at AFN people will respond pretty quickly usually so one thread is usually enough
@derek420colorado thanks for the tag mate but i am new to this and didnt know how to see that without goin into your profile and viewing recent activity... isit supposed to show me?? as for this thread and the other one... this is for any outdoor strain the other i am mainly lookin into the fastbuds for outdoor aswell as indoor... im new to this afn and loving everyones vibes...
@derek420colorado thanks for the tag mate but i am new to this and didnt know how to see that without goin into your profile and viewing recent activity... isit supposed to show me?? as for this thread and the other one... this is for any outdoor strain the other i am mainly lookin into the fastbuds for outdoor aswell as indoor... im new to this afn and loving everyones vibes...

yeah its all good my dude, I didn't tag you I was telling @trailanimal that I tagged him in the other thread lol
hi all

just curious as to what peoples best outcomes have been outside...
i would like hat everyone wants high yield high thc..
im either lookin at

auto ultimate
think big

six shooter

if anybody has got any alternatives and the results you got from them
a rough ball park figure is good for time and yield

Hi there @BlueDream!

This is a very good question. But I think to help you out, it would help if we have a basic idea of what kind of outdoor area you're in.
Are you far up north (or down south) near the Artic (Antarctic) Circle? Or are you in a temperate zone? Or near the tropics?
Are you in a wet area, lots of rain? Or a dry area, maybe arid or semi-arid, near the desert? Or kind of in between?
You have lots of sunlight there, or is it often cloudy?

Because different strains will do better in different climates and zones, no one single strains is the best "outdoor" for all outdoor places.

All the best for your grow!
@MariaSanchez - Hahaha thanks for typing that...it was pretty much exactly what i was going to type.

I would avoid autoultimate if humidity will be high...both of mine took some hits from mold in a 70-75% rh, but I have to say man they grew well!! If you are in a dry environment definitely give autoultimates a go.(245 grams dry, tossed 2oz to mold)

If mold is a concern I would consider dutch passions Brooklyn sunrise...I didn't pull nearly as much from her(112grams), but not a speck of mold and the smoke is amazing.
Automazar is my tallest plant this year at humbling 50 cm but she had big canopy. Unfortunately it was eaten by something everywhere but the top cola so I guess I missed some good yield. Also Haze xxl, Moby dick xxl and Polar light