Grow Mediums Beginner system ideas

Saint Skinny

Red eyed, Smiley, Livin' life Irie!
Jul 23, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Hey all,
So I recently put up an ad offering to build hydro systems. One of the responses I've gotten is someone that's never grown in hydro before (I honestly don't know if this person has ever grown a thing in their life) and are wanting to grow around 12 plants. They said they work first shift and their wife will be the one taking care of the plants... I'm wondering if this guy has any idea what he's getting into.
I was thinking a good starting point would be supersoil with some drippers, but I wanted to get some of my peeps thoughts on the whole thing. If they want to run something with synthetics, I was thinking Dyna-Grow or the Supernatural Brand line, that way they don't have to worry about 10-12 different bottles, etc. any input is appreciated, thanks guys!
Hey all,
So I recently put up an ad offering to build hydro systems. One of the responses I've gotten is someone that's never grown in hydro before (I honestly don't know if this person has ever grown a thing in their life) and are wanting to grow around 12 plants. They said they work first shift and their wife will be the one taking care of the plants... I'm wondering if this guy has any idea what he's getting into.
I was thinking a good starting point would be supersoil with some drippers, but I wanted to get some of my peeps thoughts on the whole thing. If they want to run something with synthetics, I was thinking Dyna-Grow or the Supernatural Brand line, that way they don't have to worry about 10-12 different bottles, etc. any input is appreciated, thanks guys!

You're correct, those folks don't know what they are getting into. They should start much smaller.
I think simple dwc without drippers is the easiest thing to do.
Hand watering can be done until roots reach the reservoir.
A hose with valve near the front of the tank(s) for easy emptying/filling is essential, like GH Ecogrower has.
KISS nutes: gh 3-part flora series plus calmag or any equivalent other-brand nutes only.
I'd go with continuos feed over clay balls in fabric pots, in a tray over a reservoir.

Continuous feed helps avoid pumps siezing and with clay balls constant nutrients isn't an issue as drainage is so good, get them on GH FloraNova single part nutes + some bloom stimulants it's pretty easy and performs
You're correct, those folks don't know what they are getting into. They should start much smaller.
I think simple dwc without drippers is the easiest thing to do.
Hand watering can be done until roots reach the reservoir.
A hose with valve near the front of the tank(s) for easy emptying/filling is essential, like GH Ecogrower has.
KISS nutes: gh 3-part flora series plus calmag or any equivalent other-brand nutes only.
I was gonna try steering clear of DWC, but haven’t made up my mind for sure. I’m definitely doing what I can to steer clear of buying anything GH (I don’t have a problem with anyone else using it, to each their own. Just more of a ‘vote with your dollars’ type of thing.)

I'd go with continuos feed over clay balls in fabric pots, in a tray over a reservoir.

Continuous feed helps avoid pumps siezing and with clay balls constant nutrients isn't an issue as drainage is so good, get them on GH FloraNova single part nutes + some bloom stimulants it's pretty easy and performs
That’s an idea I hadn’t thought of. I was considering drippers or Blumats in Coco with an A+B type setup, maybe RX green solutions so they don’t have to sweat the pH like they normally would. I would say Canna but if I heard correctly they’ve begun to shun the cannabis industry. I guess it’s just for growing Canna flowers..,
I was gonna try steering clear of DWC, but haven’t made up my mind for sure. I’m definitely doing what I can to steer clear of buying anything GH (I don’t have a problem with anyone else using it, to each their own. Just more of a ‘vote with your dollars’ type of thing.)

That’s an idea I hadn’t thought of. I was considering drippers or Blumats in Coco with an A+B type setup, maybe RX green solutions so they don’t have to sweat the pH like they normally would. I would say Canna but if I heard correctly they’ve begun to shun the cannabis industry. I guess it’s just for growing Canna flowers..,
For my local water GH FloraNova ph's perfect

It's hard to beat for a new grower. With autos no need to run the grow, just the vloom
Personally, I think they don't know what they are getting into, but if they are insistant, it's hard to beat an RDWC system. Once they are up and running correctly they are pretty self sufficient and normally only require system changeouts every 15 - 18 days instead of weekly. Run sterile to avoid organic related issues like root slime and having to buy so many supplements. The Cultured Solutions nute line is hard to beat and gives outstanding results in these systems.
Personally, I think they don't know what they are getting into, but if they are insistant, it's hard to beat an RDWC system. Once they are up and running correctly they are pretty self sufficient and normally only require system changeouts every 15 - 18 days instead of weekly. Run sterile to avoid organic related issues like root slime and having to buy so many supplements. The Cultured Solutions nute line is hard to beat and gives outstanding results in these systems.
They probably don't have any idea... but luckily my job is to figure out what would work best and build the system... I'll run through everything with them, too, of course. That was actually one of the reasons I was going to stay away from DWC, Root slime and other nasties. I do have another client that's got experience with Ebb n flow, maybe I'll set him up with a RDWC.
Personally, I think they don't know what they are getting into, but if they are insistant, it's hard to beat an RDWC system. Once they are up and running correctly they are pretty self sufficient and normally only require system changeouts every 15 - 18 days instead of weekly. Run sterile to avoid organic related issues like root slime and having to buy so many supplements. The Cultured Solutions nute line is hard to beat and gives outstanding results in these systems.
I've got the other guy that decided on the DWC, he wants them all connected but I'm hesitant to run it Recirculating due to heat issues. I'll ask if he's got a chiller from his old ebb n flow setup but I suppose I could bring it up to him and see if he want to run it that way. I need to remember my job is to build the system, not to worry about whether they'll succeed.
I guess I just want to help peeps, damn my big heart! I'm trying to figure out what I should charge for labor to build a 12 site DWC setup. By the hour, or for the entire job? maybe by the bucket? Per inch of system size? lol
I've got the other guy that decided on the DWC, he wants them all connected but I'm hesitant to run it Recirculating due to heat issues. I'll ask if he's got a chiller from his old ebb n flow setup but I suppose I could bring it up to him and see if he want to run it that way. I need to remember my job is to build the system, not to worry about whether they'll succeed.
I guess I just want to help peeps, damn my big heart! I'm trying to figure out what I should charge for labor to build a 12 site DWC setup. By the hour, or for the entire job? maybe by the bucket? Per inch of system size? lol

Over the winter I helped a friend set up a grow room in a basement closet and helped him through his first grow. It was soil, so no decisions about which hydro system, but I told him right up front that if he was going to do it, to do it right and avoid as many issues or changes down the road as possible. He agreed so we did it up right. He was good about following my directions and ended up with an outstanding 6 plant harvest. I didn't charge him anything but if I had, I probably would have charged him about $400 - 500 for the labor. Two days building it and 4 trips to his house during the grow, plus time here conversing about the grow. In your case, I'd charge by the system if it were me. So much for a 2 pot, 4 pot, etc. I know from my own business experience that people are more comfortable with an up front cost or estimate than an hourly rate.

I wouldn't run an RDWC system without a chiller, especially if running organics. Having a chiller eliminates so many potential issues that I think they are well worth it.