New Grower Beginner grower (failing)

Feb 25, 2017
Reaction score
Ill just apologize from the very start about this post being so long but I've had an interesting start. In December I bought some buds of an unknown strain that had a ton of seeds and with out much research I decided to throw them in some pots just to see what would happen. I got a 100% germ rate which was cool and the plants seemed solid then California weather went crazy the plants got stunted because I wasn't around to baby them and bring them inside. Two of those started flowering last week at like 6 inches tall which I'm fine with bc I'm doing this for fun not for yields or anything and the others died. I started doing research on growing and stuff and decided to purchase some seeds. I bought some pineapple kush feminized auto seeds, some dr.feel good regular seeds, and some Himalayas blue deisel regular seeds and one free super skunk auto seed with the hope to make my own seeds so I don't have to buy them all the time. Well my first attempt at Germing the auto seeds resulted in one of each strain dying. I'm not sure how I got a 0% germ rate on these seeds using essentially the same method I got 100% germ rate with bag seed but I did. I started them directly in my pots inside my garage 5 inches under 2 36 watt cfls where nothing could get to them. Maybe I didn't put them deep enough or water enough but with the bag seeds I watered when I put them in the pot and didn't even look at them for two weeks and with the auto seeds I used a spray bottle to very lightly water every other day. Anyways it was an EXTREMELY disappointing start with autos but I gave it another go. This time I only did two seeds, a pineapple k and a dr feel good. Both seeds popped and were looking good after the first week. Another week forward brings us to today. I haven't been around for a few days to check on them bc I've been busy so I finally go out to my garage to see how big my babies are and I see my pineapple kush plant looking beautiful and BIG and than I see the dr.feel good... she wasn't looking so hot. The stem looked like a limp noodle and the leaves looked chewed up and I knew she was a goner. Another seed wasted!! The only bug I could find in the area was one Rollie pollie but I thought they only ate dead material. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Im just hoping the pineapple kush plant doesn't have any issues and for a male from one of the other strains to survive so I can get some seeds to practice and get better at this growing thing. Any advice you can give would be awesome. Thanks for reading!
Ill just apologize from the very start about this post being so long but I've had an interesting start. In December I bought some buds of an unknown strain that had a ton of seeds and with out much research I decided to throw them in some pots just to see what would happen. I got a 100% germ rate which was cool and the plants seemed solid then California weather went crazy the plants got stunted because I wasn't around to baby them and bring them inside. Two of those started flowering last week at like 6 inches tall which I'm fine with bc I'm doing this for fun not for yields or anything and the others died. I started doing research on growing and stuff and decided to purchase some seeds. I bought some pineapple kush feminized auto seeds, some dr.feel good regular seeds, and some Himalayas blue deisel regular seeds and one free super skunk auto seed with the hope to make my own seeds so I don't have to buy them all the time. Well my first attempt at Germing the auto seeds resulted in one of each strain dying. I'm not sure how I got a 0% germ rate on these seeds using essentially the same method I got 100% germ rate with bag seed but I did. I started them directly in my pots inside my garage 5 inches under 2 36 watt cfls where nothing could get to them. Maybe I didn't put them deep enough or water enough but with the bag seeds I watered when I put them in the pot and didn't even look at them for two weeks and with the auto seeds I used a spray bottle to very lightly water every other day. Anyways it was an EXTREMELY disappointing start with autos but I gave it another go. This time I only did two seeds, a pineapple k and a dr feel good. Both seeds popped and were looking good after the first week. Another week forward brings us to today. I haven't been around for a few days to check on them bc I've been busy so I finally go out to my garage to see how big my babies are and I see my pineapple kush plant looking beautiful and BIG and than I see the dr.feel good... she wasn't looking so hot. The stem looked like a limp noodle and the leaves looked chewed up and I knew she was a goner. Another seed wasted!! The only bug I could find in the area was one Rollie pollie but I thought they only ate dead material. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Im just hoping the pineapple kush plant doesn't have any issues and for a male from one of the other strains to survive so I can get some seeds to practice and get better at this growing thing. Any advice you can give would be awesome. Thanks for reading!
I think you really need to be more on top of the plants, at least on your first grows, until you're more familiar with how the plants work. I check my plants every day, and would bring them inside whenever I had to be gone for a longer period of time. Are they in a tent in your garage?

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Don't beat yourself up, but like witchy said you need to stay on top of them, even more so in the early seedling stage. There are a lot of suggested feeding schedules, setups, etc. in these forums. Use them, they will take as you from that "fun grow" you spoke of into a successful fun grow. But hey, even if they don't make it, as long as you learned something, it's still progress not a real failure in the grand scheme.

Remember, these plants need some TLC to get the THC.
Any advice you can give would be awesome. Thanks for reading!

Hi Noles - Welcome to AFN

:welcome: :welcome: :welcome:

There's plenty of advice to dish out - probably an overwhelming amount, however everyone's got their own little routines for each part which comes from waching other peoples journals and copying there methods to see how it works for you.

There's a few things that can wreck a grow from the off - Environment is one of them, so before even germing it's preferable to know that you'll have an area that has acceptable temps to grow. (70-90f for a broad range...ideally in the middle constantly)

Germination - there's a great germination guide on the home page from Full Duplex who's been growing / breeding and developing the auto scene since the start (founder member) - I personally take his word as fact, but here's how i germ seeds (1 seed failure in 10 years....probably my fault)

1 Get a paper towel and pop ur seed in the middle
2 Fold it over 4 times to make a smallish square
3. Moisten it (dont run it under the tap - splash it with water form your fingers till its moist - not soaked)
4. Pop that moist papertowel with seed in a ziplock sanwich back (sealable)
5. Pop that bag in small box (dvd case sized - but i use a cardboard box)
6. pop that box on or near a heat source (Xbox 360 (retro) or near a tube heater ... Tevo ... that kinda thing)

7. Come back 2 days later and they've sprouted tails and its time to pop em in the soil and moisten with a spray gun (dont drench - the seed could rot)

No tails!? .... bah! Is there condensation in the zip lock? should be! ... pop back in the bag and come back 2moro for tails to show themselves.

So now you wanna grow the seedling (phase 2)

- About 85f would be nice and plenty of humidty - i do this by cutting a 1.5litre water bottle in half and place it over the spot where the seedling went (flat closed side up)
- Give it a spray every day in that area.
- When the seedling has sprouted and in a few days the leafes will almost reach the side of the bottle - it's time to take off the bottle.

From here on you get the idea - increase the water as needed. (comes with experience) ...

Common ways to kill your plant include

Over Feeding - You'll see them burning
Under feeding - they go light green to yellow
Incorrect PH - The biggest killer of plants and misdiagnosis. Causes nute lockout and all bad things.
Over watering - Droopy and heavy
Underwatering - Droopy and light

Environment - too cold and they'll be slow and mincey - too hot and they'll fry and wilt.

That's about it!

Hope it goes well for you
All the best

Blue ^_^

Ronin is a germination pro (and awesome grower)

He's got a fancy guide here

It's more in depth than my method - I'm a lazy ass! If you're striving for perfection there's some seriously good growers here ... and if you wanna make your life easy, there's some seriously laid back growers that always get results too! Something for everyone! :coffee:
Sorry I didn't really make it clear but my bag seed has been outdoor it's whole life and the autos I'm starting inside (under lights but not in a tent) and than moving outside. Thanks for the great advice. I will probably just finish these plants before I germ any more because Im not around my house much and I don't have anyone to watch them. About April I'll have a wide open schedule and I'll give it a full effort. I'll probably do a grow journal and everything. Thanks for the help!