Barneys Farm Biscotti Mintz - Day 17

Sep 18, 2019
Reaction score
-Problem: Brown/orange spots on the lower leaves and slowly rising up the plant. Affected leaves feel slightly dry.

-Medium/grow method: super soil. transplanted from a 50% peat, 25% perlite, 25% vermicompost at day 14. Problems existed before transplant.

-Feed and supplements used: Neem cake and Organic Veg dry amendments (clamshell powder, bonemeal, alfafa, seaweed, compost, worm casting). Seaweed foliar everyday. White clover planted at transplant.

-Water source: Reverse Osmosis bottles. PH of water about 6.5.

-Strain and age - Biscotti Mintz (17 days from sprout)

-Climate: 60-70% RH and temps always 22-27c

- Light used: Mars FC8000. 40cm distance and 25-35% dimmer

-Additional info:
I overwatered as seedlings and several had twisted first leaves but most improved. Problem on this one shown since quite early on the lower leaves and slowly rising. My guess is calcium or missing minerals from the RO water or the PH. Only gave 1 smaller feeding of veg powder and neem as a reaction to the problem few days ago. Doesn't seem to have helped.





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Look fine to me.... :d5:
If the soil is balanced well they should do fine. Use some organic molasses every other watering 1tbs a gallon or so.
Whats in your super soil and is it layered? Did you make it or buy it? Plants are just dipping into the supersoil so if all is good you should see results soon... The spots should stop i would guess.. tough to see spots on any of the new growth, only the older leaves..
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Look fine to me.... :d5:
If the soil is balanced well they should do fine. Use some organic molasses every other watering 1tbs a gallon or so.
Whats in your super soil and is it layered? Did you make it or buy it? Plants are just dipping into the supersoil so if all is good you should see results soon

Yes, other plants dont look so bad. Only this one. I had micronutrients and calmag issues first grow so thinking Biscotti Mintz sensitive and showing issues before others. I buy the super soil and all nutrients from same place as a package. Pic attached. I dont think it is layered, all mixed together.

Thinking to start adding calmag and sea minerals to my RO water. But was thinking they get all this from daily seaweed foliar so idk...

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The soil mix you listed shouldnt lack calcium... and those spots look like cal def so most likely an old issue that should resolve on its own imo... Id be wary of daily foliars at 70% humidity causing PM outbreaks too
The soil mix you listed shouldnt lack calcium... and those spots look like cal def so most likely an old issue that should resolve on its own imo... Id be wary of daily foliars at 70% humidity causing PM outbreaks too

Thanks. I'Il keep that in mind and might back off a few days, no problems so far. Im achieving 60-70% RH with a dehumidifier lmao. I will have Rotblock from @Phyter arriving today so will use that too.
After reading this below, I think next time i will add small amount of gypsum and oyster shell flour to my 50% peat moss, 40% perlite and 10% worm castings seedling soil mix to avoid calcium and potential micronutrient issues so early on.

Any suggestions on which and how much to use for seedlings per kg of soil? @Tom Bombadil

Screen Shot 2565-10-26 at 13.06.04.png
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OR maybe i could just sprinkle in a tiny amount of veg powder into the seedling soil mix?
You could transplant sooner, or just plant directly into main pot then you wont have to worry about it... Just make a 2 cup or so sized area of seedling mix in center of pot. Or you could get some organic calmag and supplement your ro water with that and some organic mollases prior to use. Roots Organic "microgreens" is a good premade seedling mix!

After reading this below, I think next time i will add small amount of gypsum and oyster shell flour to my 50% peat moss, 40% perlite and 10% worm castings seedling soil mix to avoid calcium and potential micronutrient issues so early on.

Any suggestions on which and how much to use for seedlings per kg of soil? @Tom Bombadil

Look into and their craft blend dry amendment along with their build a flower top dress.. You could take all your used soil and put it into a tote and reamend it, and maybe add some worms to break it down. Ive been doing this with the same soil for years without issue.
Check your ph. So many problems happen when your ph is not checked. My first grow I didn’t check ph and in 1 day it looked like a blow torch got it