Outdoor Avoiding tiny livestock while guerrila growing



How do Ya'll avoid ticks, fleas, chiggers, etc while in the woods? I wear old style jungle warfare fatigues, with the legs outside my boots. I then dust the cuffs and my boots with seven dust. It works well, and I rarely find ticks on me. I would love to find a better way, because seven dust isn't the best for you. I am able to avoid skin contact, but I still worry.

What do Ya'll do??

I avoid putting repellent with deet on my skin when I can, but it's been the best thing I've found for keeping the pests off. When I'm going off trail for any reason, I wear light khaki pants and shirt (to see them better) and spray the clothes and my boots with repellent. Generally they want no part of me after that, and it's rare that I find any critters that get to my bare skin. Those that do rarely bite.
View attachment 22196Sawyers Tick Repellant - Best tick spray on the market. I spend a lot of time in the woods and have never had a tick on me since I started using this stuff. This is not for use directly on your skin. Spray it on your outer clothing and it willlast for weeks, even through washing.
Be careful about eating too much peanut butter. It's high in oxalate and can be a major contributor to kidney stones. I used to eat it 3-4 times a week till I had kidney stones and learned better. Now once a week max.

Eat peanut butter every day.The oil comes out in your sweat and deters tics and chiggers from attaching.I find tics on me from time to time but haven't had one attached to the skin in a few years.Chiggers will still get you but not as bad.

---------- Post added 08-01-2011 at 07:27 PM ----------

Anything with 30% or higher Deet will keep them away. I get Repel, 40% Deet at WalMart. I work outdoors in wooded areas where ticks are common, and in open fields, prime chigger territory. I always wear 10" boots and spray my boots and pants with Repel. Does a great job.
You eat peanut butter everyday, you wouldn't shit for a month! Hehehe