Indoor Autopot res - weighting air line???

Dec 22, 2015
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Wanting to have an air line (no air stone, just air line) in the bottom of my autopot res to keep nutrients mixed. how would people would go about weighting their air lines so that they don't float to the top of the reservoir?. Currently threading it through a plastic bottle which is attached to a dumbell weight made of copper and iron (not good for the water surely) so need better, tidier, simpler ideas. I can't think of any, any help or ideas would be appreciated!


Well the simplest solution would be to just get an air stone :P
Hmm well at least with the AN pH perfect nutes it's been fine... Honestly you don't really need anything in the res though, I haven't been aerating my res last couple grows and definitely haven't seen any adverse effects (my 250+g Black Cream can attest to that :P). As long you're using up the res within a week it says good.
Hmm well at least with the AN pH perfect nutes it's been fine... Honestly you don't really need anything in the res though, I haven't been aerating my res last couple grows and definitely haven't seen any adverse effects (my 250+g Black Cream can attest to that :p). As long you're using up the res within a week it says good.
@Hansbricks You are right with that, last grow didn't seem to be any problems. However, would be good to keep the nutrient mixture moving rather than sitting stagnant surely? If this can be easily achieved then I would like to be able to do it, I have to find an excuse to use my good hailela pump!