Outdoor Automazar and Polar Light #2, Balcony Grow



Balcony Grow from last summer...

from seed to yield :15. mars - 30 June
yield: no balance... Maybe 40-50g

I really liked the Automazar for taste , high and yield.

the Polar Light was not my thing, spicy herbal kind of aroma not so good in yield and high... But hey thats personal preference.

They didn´t need anything except good soil (1/3 Soil, 1/3 Coco Fibre, 1/3 Compost and Perlite), water and the south facing balcony. The one on the left is the Polar Light #2 and the one on the right the Automazar. If you spot anything I could do better let me know!

lovely garden you got there bro, i ear nothing but good things about the mazar. still i'd like to give the polar light a go aswell :smoke:
Thanks Carlos and Boomer! :booya:

->Boomer try her out maybe she is what you are looking for. :toke:
Nice, I love balcony grows! They look a little small though. Did you grow them on your balcony from the very start? No indoor pre-veg? Maybe it has to do with you planting early in the season (march - where i'm at there's still snow in march). And your pots seem to be small. Planting many autos in one huge pot is sometimes a good sollution. Some autos have a tap root that likes to go deep from the very start, hence keeping them in a big deep pot from the beginning is best, otherwise the growth could get stunted - as I've experienced.
Thanks! and Yes you are right! :D I did veg them in the middle of march without cfl to reinforce growth, did have to leave them in their seedling-cups for about 6 days to long before transplant and the pots were a little to small. Now i use 20l pots and the results are much better. I have seen friends put up to 4 photosensitive plants in one pot and have a nice harvest with healthy plants. They were a little stunted though and did not reach the heights of the ones in big single plant pots. I seem to have better overall results in single pots as well. Maybe if you use a 80l container-bed this could work well and optimize the available space for roots (if you space the plants evenly).

I think Soma from Soma Seeds prefers this technique.:toke:
I enjoyed the Polar Light a lot - it was a trippy smoke in my books with a unique flavour. She didn't grow a huge amount of fan leaves but that was probably due to the lack of space in the tent more than anything else. Yield-wise I agree, it wasn't a huge amount but a little went a long way...
I grew the first edition of Polar Light back in 2010. The smoke was trippy as you say and very sativa. Their performance wasn't as good as the ryders though. And some of the seeds hermied (one actully came out with 100% male flowers).

I used to prefer sativas, but now after what I believe is over consumtion I'm starting to look over at the other side of the spectrum. Variation is best I believe, but what I need for now is a full blood indica that will put me to sleep after a couple of hits. Dr. Feelgood might be something, still waiting to see some grow/smoke reports though...
Looks good Potsnob, I was pleased to hear you liked the AutoMazar. Are you lucky enough to have a south facing balcony ?
Looks good Potsnob, I was pleased to hear you liked the AutoMazar. Are you lucky enough to have a south facing balcony ?

Thanks Tony!

I have access to two separate south facing balconies of some good friends. Kind of like a collective. I supply seeds, mix the soil and help out if there are pests and they give water and their love and attention... Then we share at harvest time... Everybody is happy!
