Automazar an think different - Spots,curling and limp

Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
I’m first timer in DWC
What type of hydro set-up are you running?

Your Equipment:
A) Type and wattage of lights: Agrolite HPS GRO&FLO 250w
B) Distance from tops: 50cm
C) Reflector type: Square reflector
D) What are the bulb wattages :250w
kelvin ratings: 2100
E) Is there a consistent fresh air supply?: yes
F) Do you have an exhaust fan : no
and a circulation fan? yes
G) Size of reservoir? 21l bucket

Your nutrients and water:
H) Source of water: tap water at Ph 8

I) Specific brand: Root stimulator Advanced Natural Power 1ml/1l
Advanced Hydroponics of Holland series:
grow N-P-K 25-12-50(150ml/100l in grow phase…80ml/100l in bloom phase…0ml end bloom),
bloom N-P-K 0-50-35(75ml/100l in grow phase…160ml/100l in bloom phase…300ml/100l end bloom),
micro N-P-K 45-00-10(75ml/100l in grow phase…80ml/100l in bloom phase…100ml/100l end bloom)
current feeding schedule:
grow bottle 60ml/100l
bloom bottle 30ml/100l
micro bottle 30 ml/100
Root stimulator 1ml/1l

J) What is the ec/ppm of your unadjusted tap (or filtered) water: 0.4 mS/cm
K) What is the ec/ppm of your nutrient solution: 1.0
L) What is the temperature of your nutrient solution? I don’t know but not at 20°C
M) Does your ec/ppm show a rise or fall when you do your daily PPM check:fall from 1.0 to 0.98
N) Does the ph fluctuate? Yes from 5.8 to 6.5
O) Do you foliar feed? No
P) How often do you replace reservoir water/nutes? : Twice a week

Your growroom:
Q) What size of closet, room or hut? 80x80x160 cm grow room
R) What are the temps and humidity levels while lights are on? 25-28°C RH 40-50%
With lights off?: 20°C RH 40-50%
S) Have you seen signs of insects in the growroom? NO
T) Are the roots long and white, or brown and slimy? Long and white

Your strain:
U) What strain are you growing? Automazar and Think Different by Dutch Passion

Someone can help me please?


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ii don't know what is your problem, you didn't show by close up pic's.

is it on the bootom leaves? top leaves? what color?

but my guess would be PH. it never below 5.8

if you will never be at the lower area of 5.5 - 5.8, so it never get a chance to absorb calcium.

try to set the PH at 5.5, let it drift to 6.1, and lower it back again.

hava a look at the chart:

it may also be the fan, too close to the plants and drectly on them.
Today I checked Ph was 5.8 and EC 0.66...they are eating! I make a fresh solution at Ph 5.6 and EC 1.1
For my troubles Here some close up pic's:

20121116_133412.jpg Automazar

20121116_133423.jpg TD

20121116_133509.jpg TD

20121116_133522.jpg Automazar

20121116_143742.jpg Not so much roots,what do you think?
they are looking fine, but it could be cal-mag deficiency. (my guess)

if problem not solved by adjusting the PH, meybe you can add some calmag to the solution.

roots look good too - are they two weeks old?

i use rhizotonic and gives me alot of roots.
What is this?

20121122_030131.jpgWhat is this?It seems the beginning of root rot.What do you think?
Wish I could help ya man, I'm dealing with the same shit now, and it seems resistant to being fixed. I'm guessing Calcium deficiency, but calmag is not working so far.
Why ?

I would ask you about a strange and curious thing that is happening to my plants. Considering that the light cycle 20/4 starts at midnight, the plants seem to "go bed" before 4:30 pm, ie after around 16 hours. The strange thing is that for coincidence seems to go to sleep just when it gets dark outside. And after six hours that the light is on does not yet appear to be fully awake. I would not think that, in the time when most of the leaves are down and the plant seems to sleep for any reason, the plant itself waste energy or stop photosynthesis. Can you tell me something about it? Have you noticed this thing in your plants? Is this a real problem to fix?and above all, it is normal for an autoflower? The temperature is always around 25 ° C and RH 40-50%
My Think Different is at day 25 and I had problems up through the second week. I had droopy leaves and suffered MG def. they can eat like crazy so don't be scared to feed her.