I’m first timer in DWC
What type of hydro set-up are you running?
Your Equipment:
A) Type and wattage of lights: Agrolite HPS GRO&FLO 250w
B) Distance from tops: 50cm
C) Reflector type: Square reflector
D) What are the bulb wattages :250w
kelvin ratings: 2100
E) Is there a consistent fresh air supply?: yes
F) Do you have an exhaust fan : no
and a circulation fan? yes
G) Size of reservoir? 21l bucket
Your nutrients and water:
H) Source of water: tap water at Ph 8
I) Specific brand: Root stimulator Advanced Natural Power 1ml/1l
Advanced Hydroponics of Holland series:
grow N-P-K 25-12-50(150ml/100l in grow phase…80ml/100l in bloom phase…0ml end bloom),
bloom N-P-K 0-50-35(75ml/100l in grow phase…160ml/100l in bloom phase…300ml/100l end bloom),
micro N-P-K 45-00-10(75ml/100l in grow phase…80ml/100l in bloom phase…100ml/100l end bloom)
current feeding schedule:
grow bottle 60ml/100l
bloom bottle 30ml/100l
micro bottle 30 ml/100
Root stimulator 1ml/1l
J) What is the ec/ppm of your unadjusted tap (or filtered) water: 0.4 mS/cm
K) What is the ec/ppm of your nutrient solution: 1.0
L) What is the temperature of your nutrient solution? I don’t know but not at 20°C
M) Does your ec/ppm show a rise or fall when you do your daily PPM check:fall from 1.0 to 0.98
N) Does the ph fluctuate? Yes from 5.8 to 6.5
O) Do you foliar feed? No
P) How often do you replace reservoir water/nutes? : Twice a week
Your growroom:
Q) What size of closet, room or hut? 80x80x160 cm grow room
R) What are the temps and humidity levels while lights are on? 25-28°C RH 40-50%
With lights off?: 20°C RH 40-50%
S) Have you seen signs of insects in the growroom? NO
T) Are the roots long and white, or brown and slimy? Long and white
Your strain:
U) What strain are you growing? Automazar and Think Different by Dutch Passion
Someone can help me please?
What type of hydro set-up are you running?
Your Equipment:
A) Type and wattage of lights: Agrolite HPS GRO&FLO 250w
B) Distance from tops: 50cm
C) Reflector type: Square reflector
D) What are the bulb wattages :250w
kelvin ratings: 2100
E) Is there a consistent fresh air supply?: yes
F) Do you have an exhaust fan : no
and a circulation fan? yes
G) Size of reservoir? 21l bucket
Your nutrients and water:
H) Source of water: tap water at Ph 8
I) Specific brand: Root stimulator Advanced Natural Power 1ml/1l
Advanced Hydroponics of Holland series:
grow N-P-K 25-12-50(150ml/100l in grow phase…80ml/100l in bloom phase…0ml end bloom),
bloom N-P-K 0-50-35(75ml/100l in grow phase…160ml/100l in bloom phase…300ml/100l end bloom),
micro N-P-K 45-00-10(75ml/100l in grow phase…80ml/100l in bloom phase…100ml/100l end bloom)
current feeding schedule:
grow bottle 60ml/100l
bloom bottle 30ml/100l
micro bottle 30 ml/100
Root stimulator 1ml/1l
J) What is the ec/ppm of your unadjusted tap (or filtered) water: 0.4 mS/cm
K) What is the ec/ppm of your nutrient solution: 1.0
L) What is the temperature of your nutrient solution? I don’t know but not at 20°C
M) Does your ec/ppm show a rise or fall when you do your daily PPM check:fall from 1.0 to 0.98
N) Does the ph fluctuate? Yes from 5.8 to 6.5
O) Do you foliar feed? No
P) How often do you replace reservoir water/nutes? : Twice a week
Your growroom:
Q) What size of closet, room or hut? 80x80x160 cm grow room
R) What are the temps and humidity levels while lights are on? 25-28°C RH 40-50%
With lights off?: 20°C RH 40-50%
S) Have you seen signs of insects in the growroom? NO
T) Are the roots long and white, or brown and slimy? Long and white
Your strain:
U) What strain are you growing? Automazar and Think Different by Dutch Passion
Someone can help me please?