Live Stoner Chat Automatic - How They Could Be So Good

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Sep 1, 2014
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This is an article from "Cannabis Magazine" a Spanish magazine I subscribe to.
This article has been translated and so will read a little strangely as the grammar is Spanglish, but It was about Auto's and written by Dutch Passion Tony, so I thought I would Post it.
Original source - { You can set Translation to automatic using the translation options box}.


By Tony Dutch Passion
Dutch Passion AutoMazar

It is a question that often do we. After all, the first generation of automatic small crops merely half ounce or less. And what can we say about the power of that first generation of automatic? Well it was more appropriate than exceptional.But all this has changed. Currently, the top seed banks have broken the mold with breeding methods that allow them to produce automatic with very high efficiency and power levels that are now indistinguishable from traditional varieties.The question that brings us here is: what is so rapid evolution is?
There are a few reasons for the increase in performance in automatic feminized (often known as "autoflowering", "AutoFems" or simply "automatic"). But it also applies to all domestic grower who intends to cultivate automatic should do their homework before spending money on seeds. Just like traditional photoperiodic varieties, some seed banks offer better quality / consistency than others; just some really know what they do, while others are still learning. Top banks are able to offer seed yields of more than 250 grams per plant THC levels similar to those of traditional varieties.They use the original most powerful genetic exists and are aware of the complexities and details of the reproduction process.
The AutoFems breed to flourish in periods of 20 hours (or even 24) from light. With a variety traditional photoperiodic, cannabis genetics requires many hours of light for the growing season and only flourishes when the light is reduced to 12 hours. It is a completely logical process since the cannabis plant evolves to begin to bloom when you notice that the days shorten, a sign that autumn approaches. The onset of flowering is an indication that the cannabis plant tries to complete their life cycle before winter arrives.
Dutch Passion Think Different 1The indoor grower artificially mimics the natural life cycle using a light system based on HPS or LED bulbs for 12 hours each cycle 24. The cannabis plant photoperiodic response within hours of light starting to bloom and produce sticky buds that are the dream of every home grower. For many of us in the world of reproduction, we had always seemed a shame to not be able to force a cannabis plant to flourish with more daylight hours. Just when a photoperiodic plant starts to flower when you need all the energy you can get to produce cannabis, we have to stop it and give 12 hours of light daily.

A few years ago, some of the most talented players discovered that they could adjust the genetic basis of the cannabis plant that could do what many thought impossible. They wanted to use family Ruderalis genetics to allow cannabis flourish vigorously, even though the plant to grow with 20 hours of light per day. At first, many said was impossible task, but history shows us that the rules are for breaking and cannabis growers are experts at it. Perhaps this is one reason why so many self-sufficient domestic growers have seen the light with automatic.
But, why have evolved automatic so quickly? It has taken just five years for automatic happen to be the new neighbors to become an established element of domestic cultivation. Neither the automatic fans expect so quick to fame growth. In Dutch Passion note that our customers already buy many automatic seeds as traditional seeds. And other seed banks already established are also seeing the same trend as automatic are increasingly popular.
There are a few main reasons that have allowed automatic evolve so quickly.

  • Some of the best producers of cannabis quickly adopted automatic to see for themselves what they could do. In any industry, if you can get that workers with more talent and intelligence are involved with new technology, you'll quickly see one of two things. O technology sinks or floats. For automatic, care of the best cannabis growers has allowed these varieties evolved very quickly.

  • The gene "picture" has proven to be manipulated to give big advantages to the home grower. The possibility that the cannabis plant flourish in 20 (or 24) hours of light provides a dramatic increase in the photosynthetic potential performance that gets the average domestic grower. Currently, most experts believe more informed automatic automatic are now able to outperform a traditional variety in the same period of time, thanks to a key factor: automatic feature nearly two times more energy during the Bloom, equivalent to higher yields.

  • The challenge. Most of us respond well to challenges, be they sports, intellectual or personal. For best players seed banks, is always a challenge to improve the odds in favor of domestic grower. In the 90s, in Dutch Passion we were the first to create feminized cannabis seeds when others said was impossible. Today, we see as automatic are becoming a predominant choice between domestic growers.

  • Genetics. Since the details of reproduction of automatic varieties were better known, large growers were able to introduce some of the original genetics of the best experts in cannabis genetic heritage that was used to play automatic. The result was the ideal combination of the best players with the best genetics, working with high levels of interest and motivation to move faster than you ever would have thought anyone.
Dutch Passion AutoMazar a12But automatic also have other benefits. The average home grower has little tendency to cultivate cannabis plants, usually between 10 and 20 plants per year for own consumption. Growers for medical purposes can grow a few more, especially if intended for food, oil or concentrated products. Domestic growers are often cautious, like the discrete growing very simple, small installations with few plants. At average home grower does not like grow boxes for vegetative and flowering stages and, with automatic, are not necessary. Currently, many domestic growers programmed light of their lockers with a fixed set of 20 hours of light followed by 4 hours of darkness. With automatic, this system allows the cabinets can be used for both seedlings to mature automatic are close to harvest time. You can start planting new seeds whenever you want;you just have to put in the living culture along with other automatic, regardless of the fact that all are at different stages of growth. Normally, automatic need a 11 weeks from planting until it is collected and allow the domestic grower using a single room with a cycle of fixed light to all floors. A longer period of "lights" is also useful for home growers to conserve heat in the grow room during the colder months.

And what is the future of automatic? The short answer is "see this space." Working with automatic continues. Much of what could be achieved (in terms of performance and power) has already been achieved, but there are still a few new ideas in the pipeline that could be realized in the next 1 or 2 years. With proper playback, see how automatic appear increasingly rich in CBD. Also expect to see continued improvements in the quality and performance but in general, only a small part of domestic growers can achieve the full potential of automatic genetics.
We do not believe that automatic completely replace traditional varieties, nor think anyone wants to see it. But some seed banks, including Dutch Passion, are finding that the best automatic been popularized most traditional varieties consolidated. Perhaps the seed market strikes a balance in which traditional varieties and automatic varieties exist together and almost equally. Meanwhile, the best advice we can give to those who want to cultivate automatic is: seek a seed bank trusted and reputable where to get seeds and atreveros to try them. It really will surprise the ease, comfort and devastating power that have achieved the best automatic.
