New Grower Autoflowers triggered by...?

Mar 11, 2016
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So I have a question for the experienced AF growers —

Is there any reason to believe that Autoflowers are triggered into flower once they've received, essentially, a specific amount of light hours?

I started my first run at 24/0, and they preflowered at 14-16 days. My 2nd & 3rd were run at 18/6 and preflowered at 21-24 days. This run is completely different (canna coco & canna nutes — FFOF & FF nutes before), yet on 20/4 I'm getting the first preflowers on day 16.

The light(ViparSpectra R900), space, fans etc. are all the same. The genetics have all been different (barney's sweet tooth & Pineapple Express, kiwi super silver haze for the first 3 runs — nirvana seeds this go [Bubbleicious, Northern Lights, Jock Horror, Lemon OG Haze, Blueberry Kush).

I'm curious to know if anyone else has noticed this? Say you have more than enough light for every plant in the space (just 5 plants in 2x4x7 box here) does anyone think it could be a legitimate assumption that it would be a way to exercise some level of control of when it comes to what size they can be and how soon they finish?

I'm still early along in this theory, but after I see how big these nirvana seeds end up on 20/4 (had to yank the last run because the kiwi SSH auto hit 4' and just wouldn't stop & wasn't close to finishing).
I think there's severalfold of factors that genetics and environment switch on or off certain triggers in an autoflowering cannabis hybrid. Amount of available light and its spectrum, how far the tap root is able to penetrate into the media, available nutrients. Soil temp. . so many variable
I think there's severalfold of factors that genetics and environment switch on or off certain triggers in an autoflowering cannabis hybrid. Amount of available light and its spectrum, how far the tap root is able to penetrate into the media, available nutrients. Soil temp. . so many variable
This is a good answer!! :pass::slap:

Now days autoflowers can lean so far to the parent, they will grow like the parent.. i even see more photo like roots coming from the newest auto genetics i have grown..:headbang:
You know this is something I've always wondered. I know you can speed up or slow down flowering of photoperiods by running schedules like 8/12 or 16/12. But since no need for darkness, a genetic clock(tuned to development or time?) and environmental conditions?(I know they trigger flowering earlier in small containers)

A side by side of 12/12 and 24/0 with the same strain would tell us if more light = faster finish, I'm sure someone's tested it before around here. I like 24/0 myself, whether faster growing or just more end yield, it's cheap to leave the lights on all day so why not. :) (+$21/month for 24/0 over 18/6 per 1000w light at US average).

I'd be curious of the effects of odd lighting schedules on auto flowers as well, 5 on, 1 off or similar.
You know this is something I've always wondered. I know you can speed up or slow down flowering of photoperiods by running schedules like 8/12 or 16/12. But since no need for darkness, a genetic clock(tuned to development or time?) and environmental conditions?(I know they trigger flowering earlier in small containers)

A side by side of 12/12 and 24/0 with the same strain would tell us if more light = faster finish, I'm sure someone's tested it before around here. I like 24/0 myself, whether faster growing or just more end yield, it's cheap to leave the lights on all day so why not. :) (+$21/month for 24/0 over 18/6 per 1000w light at US average).

I'd be curious of the effects of odd lighting schedules on auto flowers as well, 5 on, 1 off or similar.
I'm sort of doing this comparison. I do notice a lot more stretch with the plants under 18/6 than 24/0. But as for development they seem to be very close.
I have ran my light on 20/4 every time I do autos and I always get great results, photos I veg 16/8 and then the norm 12/12
This is an interesting one...
I wouldn't say spectrum has much to do with it, as you can grow with red spectrum only/hps.
I was always under the impression auto followers had a predetermined life cycle, that's why stressing them is bad with autos, the genetics state when it will flower, or I'm led to believe. Some people say when the roots fill the pot they will flower, I've had plants in 15L pots and the roots haven't reached the bottom when they've started to flower.
I think there's so many factors at play it's so hard to an accurate measure of something like this, although I would be interested for a bit more research on this.
I have a mazar which has shown sex at day 9 currently growing, I've started this in a 1.5L pot, will transplant at about day 14-18. I've never had a plant show sex this early, that maybe a direct result of the small pot?

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I only do 24/0 and don't always get same flowering start for different genetics. I don't think you can control that...
I do 18/6 to save electricity. 24/0 would be the natural conditions for the C. ruderalis in the far north, such as Siberia, Northern Norway and North Canada, where the sun don't go below the horizon in the summer time.

My gut feeling as a biologist is that @MauiMedicine have a point. The biological system governing time in living organisms are called circadian clocks. Our main circadian clock is the regulation of melatonin, making us sleepy after dark. In our beloved autos, the circadian clock of C. ruderalis governs flowering. At 24 hrs of light the autoflower clock will probably go faster, as the biochemical signals for flowering may occur earlier in time when there is light 24/7, as in its natural habitat. At 18/6 development progresses slightly slower and you see pre-flowers a few days later.

Does it make sense?