Autoflowering not flowering (Dinafem auto)

Jan 19, 2016
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Hey guys, I'm having issues with a Dinafem auto Withe Widow.

I'm growing 2 White Widows, indoors and I'm in week 6 (total) and while one of them is doing very well the other one seems to be stuck in early flowering stage. Both plants have the same age and inside the same growing tent.

I'm using Atami organics, bloombastic, ph control (6-6.5), I've a 150w ufo led at 20/4, etc. Like I said, one of them is great and the other one just frozen or something into early flowering. HR ranges from 40% to 60% and temperature ranges from 75 to 80 F. The "good" plant is 43" tall and the other one is about 35".

I'm really stuck here and the only thing left to test is to change the photo period but I wanted to share the situation here.

Any help will be appreciated,

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One is lagging (or one is racing) :biggrin:
I see no issues yet, GL. Both look happy and healthy, lets see if they don't go neck and neck in the next 2 weeks.:thumbsup:
I must have missed you in Introductions :yeah:Why not say hi to the kin?
Beautiful gals, Brother, and obviously well tended.:bravo:
You could always shut the lights off for 24 hours and that kicks them into high gear for flower. It wont hurt them, but I would leave them and take them at different times, that way you arent out of weed! :thumbsup:
:toke: ... from the looks of the lagger, she's very close,.. I'll bet if you look under magnification you'll likely find pistils tucked in there,...sometimes the auto-expression isn't consistent plant to plant-- phenotype diff's! On occasion, we see ones that don't auto at all, so genetics can still be a dice-toss,... Dinafem says it's a 75 day plant, which is usually an "optimistic" estimate, so it seems this version of WWauto is a longer one; the other plant looks of track to me :thumbsup: .....try Brim's trick, and are you actually using the Bloomtastic yet? Sometimes a high PK kick in the pants will help speed the switch,... I see it's pretty fierce stuff, what dosage are you using?
are you actually using the Bloomtastic yet? Sometimes a high PK kick in the pants will help speed the switch,... I see it's pretty fierce stuff, what dosage are you using?

Yes, I'm using 0.5ml/L for now and later on I will increase it to 1ml/L. Side note, the bloombastic effect so far has been like an explosion in the bigger plant and an incredible delicious sweet smell, it smells very well indeed.

Use it to your advantage! Like @briman just said you're have smoke for longer!!!

Yup, I think that is the wiser alternative at this time. :)
Hey guys, one week later I'm back with a status update. The lagger finally started flowering properly and man... Both are gorgeous.

IMG_20160127_001041.jpg IMG_20160127_001211.jpg IMG_20160127_001411.jpg

At the present time they are eating a lot of water (1L/2day) and you can tell by the look on the bigger one that things are looking really neat. I'm also seeing that the lagger will be taller than the rusher (just a little bit). I've estimated that the lagger is behind 2.5 weeks so it is a good timing for fresh buds.

I hope you like the update and many thanks for the previous advice, it helped me to calm down a bit.

:greenthumb:..she might be a more Sati'-dom. pheno,... :baked: :rofl:.... great to hear on the response to the PK boosting, just like it should! Don't be afraid to keep increasing the dosage gradually, up to max/near max.,...just keep an eye on the leaf tips for yellowing/browning, early signs of nute burn...:goodluck:
That stuff is pretty superconcentrated, I wonder what the max dose is for an auto. That particular product is a combination of some pretty powerful acids and bases isn't it? I haven't seen anyone using that here lately. :pass: