autoflower on 12/12 wont stop growing

Just keep the 12/12'll finish just fine with no extra.....
I was speaking to someone on another website he said he cloned a auto and grew on 12/12 whole way through here's the pic
Google super crop technique. Roll stem with firm pressure where you want the bend til you feel mild crunching. Then bend and tie down. A knuckle will form in a week or so where you performed the bend. Sometimes it increases yield as the technique makes a superhighway and grown after healing may explode. Also good for leveling a canopy to remove apical dominance
Due to the short grow period of autos they need all the light they can get.The standard has always been 18/6 light.and running them on 12/12 will grow them but size and yield will most likely be lower due to the short light period.You can run your lights the way you want bu i suggest the longer lights on especially during there shorter veg stage.
Google super crop technique. Roll stem with firm pressure where you want the bend til you feel mild crunching. Then bend and tie down. A knuckle will form in a week or so where you performed the bend. Sometimes it increases yield as the technique makes a superhighway and grown after healing may explode. Also good for leveling a canopy to remove apical dominance
Hi pal i done that 2 nights ago its recovered fast last night it was curling back up towards the light not where i bent it but the top
Due to the short grow period of autos they need all the light they can get.The standard has always been 18/6 light.and running them on 12/12 will grow them but size and yield will most likely be lower due to the short light period.You can run your lights the way you want bu i suggest the longer lights on especially during there shorter veg stage.
Hi pal i vegged it for 5 weeks it still hadn't started flowering by then i was hoping for it to be couple of weeks in flower by the time i flipped it so far its been growing for 9 1/2 weeks its 6ft tall