New Grower Autoberry first grow

  • Thread starter Thread starter Menkki
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Hello everyone!

First off, let me say I'm a newb here. But I take criticism well, so please neg and diss me, if I am doing wrong.

I started 3 Autoberry 3 days ago.

1 of them died almost the instant it sprouted out of soil.
1 of them is growing really stretching
1 of them looks like dying soon after sprouting also IMAG0549.jpgIMAG0548.jpg

- Germinated by putting in a bowl of water for around 24hrs
- when seed had a little white tail coming out, I planted them in small 12oz party cups.
- I have only used my kitchen flourescent light. Will use a LED light, after I transplant them into bigger pots.


One of them have sprouted "normal" and is getting actually too long in my opinion.
The other one sprouted little, but looks like it is dying.

I can only think that maybe germination in water bowl affected the dying plant? Or I wetted the soil too much?
or maybe, water was not PH tested, but they were left overnight?

I will attach some pics. And I really really really need help.
I am sure many old timers here were first a newb like me. And sharing/caring.
So please advise.

Thank you so much in advance
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Hi Menkki. That's some serious stretching. Get her closer to the light. If you can't lower the light, raise the plant. Do you have holes in the bottom of the cups so the soil can breath and dry out a little? I don't know about the poor little one that looks to be about dead, sorry.
What soil is that? Do the cups have drain holes?

That second seedling can be saved . Have had some look like that and bounce back to be great plants . You need to get them as close to the light as you can . That will prevent stretch and also warm the soil a bit . I keep my floros 1" or less from mine and T5s 1/2" - 1 " away from my seedlings on through till they are ready to sex .
Hi mate, when germing your seeds I believe you can drown them if you leave them submerged in water for too long. I start mine in a glass of water and keep checking them. As soon as they stop floating and drop I transfer them to a damp paper towel. Sometimes they can trick you and still be floating but I give them a gentle poke when I check them each time. Sometimes they may be caught in an air bubble and then drop once poked. I never soak them for more than about 12 hours. I also never usually see a tap root poking out until they have been in the paper towel for about a day. I keep them in a warm dark place in the paper towel. As soon as the tap root shows or the seed splits, they go straight into their pots.

I don't know if this might have affected them but it may be worth considering as I had some similar issues until I used this method. :peace:

Thank you so much for the advise.

The soil I use is just normal soil for indoor plants. I don't know the exact name as I live in Finland.
The cups do have drainage holes. I put two cups together, and I slit the inner cup from 4 sides to drain the water.

I just moved the seedlings to very close to the fluorescent light.

Can anyone tell me, when is it good to transplant to a bigger pot.

Thank you guys so much. I really appreciate you helping me out...!
You can put them in the new pots when your second or third set of true leaves have formed. Have you read this yet?
There is lots of good info there and many answers to a lot of good questions.
Welcome to our forum. I've taken the liberty of moving your thread over to the New Growers Forum. Along with Joe Dirt, I moderate this forum and we can help you better here. Sorry no one got back to you right away. Yesterday was a national holiday here so many of us were not on line.

The one that's not looking too good may be suffering from a condition called damping off. If you mix 1 tablespoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide to 1 quart of water and spray it 2-3 times a day, that should stop the damping off.
Once again..
Thank you for the info. I have read that thread before. Problem is that I live in Finland, so the mixing of soil or nutrients are not sold here.
Although I have bought a Bio-Bloom and Bio-Growth, which the latter I will start using after I transplant them.

Thank you once again. I know I will ask more questions in the future. So please bear with this noob.

Hydrogen peroxide isn't a nutrient. Here it is sold in supermarkets and pharmacies and is used to clean wounds. I would think you should be able to find it in your country.