OLD REVIEWS Auto Bubble Report

Duck Commander

Bio-Bizz Organics
Jun 13, 2012
Reaction score
SeedBank :
Female Seeds

Auto Bubble

Did it autoflower?:

Yes At Day 16 From Sprouting to life

Soil ( Bio Bizz Light Mix)

Bio Bizz Line up (Everything except Bio Heaven)

Light (kind and schedule):
18/6 from seed to harvest (ocational 24/0 when timer broke twice)

From seed to harvest date:
68 days from seed but could of gone another 10days

Dry Yeid:
72 grams

High/Effect Duration
(how long did effects last):

Its a very uplifting high, very energetic with a very very good trippy side to the smoke ill put it down to being Sativa Dom.. Last's for a good 2hours and its quite a fast hitting strain


* bad
***** good

Bag Appeal:
* to *****
*****(5) Very frosty, Extreamly sticky almost gooey, looks as good as it taste's

The Growth:

* to *****
*****(5) very fast growing from start to finesh a good size plant at over 3ft in hight and 2ft in width


The smell is exacaly what you would expext Bubble Gum to smell like very sweet just like a peice of fuity Chewing gum


very smooth and a sweet taste on the inhale and almost like a caramel on the exhale very nice more of a day time smoke to chill out. Makes you want to do something and has a great trippy edge to it..


Very energetic high with a need to do something constructive and exciting.. I would recomend it as an all day smoke even if you have to be around inlaws that disergree with cannabis :finger:. It has a great trippy side to the strain its just at the correct level so that you dont go under its great it realy is

Over all i would give the Auto Bubble Top marks for everything the strain gives. you just can not fault it and i have not only my oppinion but that of my freinds and family (Over 15 people) that have sampled the Bud for me to give there verdict so i can get this report as acreate as i could get it :thumbs:

I hope you have enjoyed my report and if i have missed any info out please let me know
:peace: Si

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:booya::smokebuds:Very nice report my friend.I have never grown a dominent sativa strain but i'll have to give it a go.Enjoy my friend!!!
+ rep for that report.
Bubble bud porn 3-4week cure

DSCN0813.jpgHere what im smoking on rite now my 3-4 wk cured Auto Bubble and it great realy good smoke DSCN0816.jpg
awsome report bro i cant wait for my Bubblegum Thanks +rep
Now that is one :thumbs: report. Not to mention the sparkling bud.
cheers guys meeans alot for your kind comments :smokebuds:
nice report si!

+rep for this beauty for sure.

i need to get my hands on this auto bubble for sure.
