New Grower Are light coloured tips always over feeding? Could it be under?

Are you following what their feed chart says, more or less? And this is being feed every time, no water only days? None of the other components to their system? If not, I wonder if you're getting short on micronutes maybe,.. plenty of N going in, P seems OK....
Those lower leaves are normal fade, no worries there,...
Cut out the Grow part, stay on Bloom; on the worse two plants, skip feeding every time, water only and see if the symptoms halt,... gonna be a few-several days...
Hi Waira!
Yes I'm following more or less, if anything I'm under though.
Are you following what their feed chart says, more or less? And this is being feed every time, no water only days? None of the other components to their system? If not, I wonder if you're getting short on micronutes maybe,.. plenty of N going in, P seems OK....
Those lower leaves are normal fade, no worries there,...
Cut out the Grow part, stay on Bloom; on the worse two plants, skip feeding every time, water only and see if the symptoms halt,... gonna be a few-several days...
Hi Waira!
Yes, I'm following more or less, if anything I'm under. I feed every watering as that what I've heard recommend by biobizz, should I stop?
Again the grow is only still going in because of biobizz recommendation again, will stop that. So should I stop feeding completely or just slow it down? So feed once every other feed? Think the dark devil might have a bit of a cal/mag deficiency. Which are the worse two please? Lol
Thanks again:toke:
Thanks for the input! :thanks:
Only reason I carried on with the grow is because I've been told that with biobizz it should be used the whole way through the grow.

well it looks as if youve got burnt tips on those plants.... this usually tells me too much N. The grow schedule from biobizz indeed says to use the grow all the way through but this is on larger photoperiod plants i think you could maybe back it off on the dosage maybe cut in half or even drop altogether on the grow nutes. These are smaller plants with less requirements and fert manafacturers obviously want you to use lots of the product.
well it looks as if youve got burnt tips on those plants.... this usually tells me too much N. The grow schedule from biobizz indeed says to use the grow all the way through but this is on larger photoperiod plants i think you could maybe back it off on the dosage maybe cut in half or even drop altogether on the grow nutes. These are smaller plants with less requirements and fert manafacturers obviously want you to use lots of the product.
Okay thanks, will drop the grow from my next feed