DIY AquaPonics? and Autos? Look here if your into Orgainc Style Home Gardening in limited space

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Aquaponics for regular veg gardening looks amazing. However, for MMJ the ph of the balanced nitrogen cycle is a bit high for most strains.

Are there any current auto strains that are more applicable to 7 ph for a sustainable auquaponics system?

I mean the idea auto-type hydroponic system! In which once established, you will not need to really maintain ph or have to dump your rez bc of salt build-ups sounds great.


Aquaponics- usually a system of Flood-drain/ Bell-syphon technique used in conjunction with a fish tank in which maitinance is limited to nearly only maintaining food for fish and iron ocasionally by creating a Nitrogen cycle in which the fish expell nitrites and other organic nutrients, and is changed by bacteria and grow media to nitrates that are used by the plants making a maintained fish/ plant environment.

However, you would need a more permanent location and not one you close down after every few months.
hey man!! good to see ya.
interesting process ..i wish i
had the space to test some
but,my grow space is getting
smaller,not bigger
soon i'll be holding a lamp
above a seedling,under my bed
sup guys. good of ya'll to post
sorry RSV. That's rally sad to hear too. You were really getting your system dialed in. Mini grows now, huh?
I don't remember us talking much on aquaponics. Just thought I'd throw this out there. Since it's becoming a real big deal for sustainable living and also more greenhouses are starting to adopt this process in raising leafy greens and talapia.
I've been researching it actually for commercial food production... they say for high fert scheds (ie tomatoes, peppers, epecially MJ) it seems to lack nutrient... but i think its doable... just expensive to set up!!!


soon i'll be holding a lamp
above a seedling,under my bed

not cool man..... not cool.... the image is funny in my head tho...

hopefully you'll get some "personal space" back soon RSV... :smokebuds:

hows your daughter settling in?
I've been researching it actually for commercial food production... they say for high fert scheds (ie tomatoes, peppers, epecially MJ) it seems to lack nutrient... but i think its doable... just expensive to set up!!!


not cool man..... not cool.... the image is funny in my head tho...

hopefully you'll get some "personal space" back soon RSV... :smokebuds:

hows your daughter settling in?

looks like an episode of hoarders around here.
and so many crying females and a very confused
and angry ready to just give every1
a "So-baked No-bake" canna cookie and call a "time-out"
now theres one i can get into... the hybrid soil worm farm fish farm cycle... nice!!!!

Nice JM. Yea, The better setups I've been seeing use a gravel medium with like blood worms I think in a bell syphon system. There's this Australian guy that really seems to be the leader in this stuff in my opinion.
I've seen a few newer videos of him digging through gravel showing thousands of worms crawling around all happily in the medium around the root zone

I've seen a lot of videos with tomatoes doing well in the systems.

Nice video, this guy seems to know a bit of what he's talking about and his plants seem happy. "Liked"

@RSV, hope you settle a bit better and find a comfortable way about it.

@TBM, sounds like that guy really thought a bit different on his way of doing it, except I would like my worms to be in my root zone preferably. What did he grow? If MJ, do you know how well it fared?
good call me... love these guys!!

