Indoor anyone tried one of these?


Dragon Addiction Councellor
Aug 28, 2011
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Son Agro High Pressure Sodium bulbs--anyone tried one? what would be the best hps for a 150 watt-----
I've become a big fan of Ed Rosenthal who is one of the best growers around and he's old school. I've come to find that that many of the posts on sites like this elude to some mystic about growing weed. Sure you have got to follow simple horticulture guide lines but really that's it. Growing medium, fertilizer, pH ed water and lots of light. It also helps to know where to find help for sick plants. Keep in mind growing weed has become a big industry. Vendors as well as many on these sites lead you to believe this, that or the other product is necessary to be successful. Just not true. Buy the least expensive 150 watt HPS you can find on the net or at a big box store for about $11.00 up to $23.00. Your plants will never know the difference.
the best are supposed to be the cmh (ceramic metal halide) that fit in hps magnetic ballasts but they have a very short service life.
I've never used the Sun Agro bulbs but know others who have. They are supposed to be very good. I use a 175 watt MH for veg and have found that when it comes to 150 and 175 watt bulbs there isn't a lot of choice. At those sizes not many mfgs. are making bulbs tailored specifically for growing MJ the way the 400 watt + bulbs are.

---------- Post added 11-03-2011 at 08:30 AM ----------

Sorry, but I have to disagree. Companies like Hortilux, Digilux, etc. are making bulbs with expanded/enhanced red or blue spectrums to fit specific growing requirements. You're not going to find them at the big box stores.

Buy the least expensive 150 watt HPS you can find on the net or at a big box store for about $11.00 up to $23.00. Your plants will never know the difference.
Yo Mr. Muddy

I stand corrected and I'll take a look.
I used to use a 400 w son agro and have zero complaints about it at all. Packs on the flowers with some of the best of them. I'm currently running a 600 Hortilux. It was time to upgrade. HTG has some pretty good bulbs and kits that you can customize if you want to check em out.