Anyone know what’s going on here?

May 5, 2022
Reaction score
Strain: Posion Bear OG(F1) feminized auto
Medium: FFOF mixed with 20% perlite and bottom 1/3 of pot with super soil mix(3gal fabric)
Space: Vivosun 2x2x4 Tent
Light: Mars Hydro TS 600(2022 edition)
Cycle: 18/6
Exhaust: Vivosun 4in 190cfm With carbon filter/small fan in tent for circulation

They’re a little over 3 weeks along at this point. I believe I made a mistake by using FFOF vs mixing some HF with it which I believe caused some issues with too many nutrients at first. This is my first go at it and I expected to make some mistakes just trying to learn and do better in the future. As you can see one of the 3 plants is taller and it never showed any kind of issue. I plan on doing some LST work to it to even things out. The other 2 plants had some setbacks. The first of the 2 took forever once it grew its first fan leaves to produce anymore and the growth it eventually did produce was twisted. The second of the 2 had some twisting on some leafs as well and stayed shorter like the other. Through time this growth has untwisted for the most part but both of these plants are shorter than the other and the growth towards the middle is still not 100% but looking better day by day. The growth on the lower nodes and side branching seems to be doing just fine though. Just wondering if anyone can tell me why these 2 were difficult? Did they stunt because of too many nutes initially? Will they still grow fine from this point on given the right conditions? Will they get much taller or are they going to stay shorter through the entire grow? Any light you can shed on the situation would be greatly appreciated. Also, for a little over 3 weeks and given the circumstances, are they looking ok? Or are these plants made for the junk pile….?
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hey dude, I had my (big) share of problems too lol

They all started flowering though, so yeah they got big stress at the beginning, and tbh LST won't help you now. Now this will cost you energy for very little yield. I usually start without nutes, just good soil, then I progressively add nutes with the different stages of the plant's life, and depending on the plant's health.
Problem when you start with a soil with too much nutes is that there's nothing you can do to balance it. (Or if there's a way I don't know it)
If there's a problem at the beginning of your grow and the plant gets stunted, it will obv suffer toxicity later on because you calculated your nutes for a healthy plant and you can't flush or take the nutes out.

Hard to say exactly what happened for sure without more details (or a more professional eye than mine) for that ->

As I was told before in that kind of situation, you might as well start another grow... (unless you're like me and want to see everything to the end) If you look at my journals, you'll find a very similar one to yours (ok with a bit more stretch hahaha)

Keep it up dude...
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I think your right about the OF vs HF, but they seem to be growing out of it as the nutes are starting to diminish. I personally would ride it out, since things are gradually getting better.
I’m in FFOF for my first grow as well. Had no issues. I didn’t start feeding until the third week. How high do you have your lights?
I’m in FFOF for my first grow as well. Had no issues. I didn’t start feeding until the third week. How high do you have your lights?
Are you doing autos or photos? And lights were 24in til the other day now at 18in above main plant roughly 20-21 above the other 2.
FastBuds Gelato - Autos
What kind of light/distance are you doing? And how far along are they? Pictures? And what nutrients are you using? I was going for no nutrients added with a living soil blend(water only) to see how that went and was gonna adjust it if need be.
What kind of light/distance are you doing? And how far along are they? Pictures? And what nutrients are you using? I was going for no nutrients added with a living soil blend(water only) to see how that went and was gonna adjust it if need be.
Marshydro fce4800 around 12” or so from plant. Fox farm trio for nutes. Also have the Kelp and Beastie Bloomz nutes that I’m going to give a shot (because I’ve heard good things). I tried to link you to my current grow