Live Stoner Chat Anyone into Amateur radio?


Cultivators Club
Mar 10, 2020
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Just curious if anyone else here has there license?

It's been a minute since I've operated mine and decided it might be time to pick it up again.

I remember preferring 20 meter band SSB. I'm just a little QRP operator lol. I have the kx3 and mostly operated portable.

Starting to look at batteries again and maybe some sort of hard case, currently I have a soft case I use. I want to say I used a bnc connector with a random wire antenna and counterpoise. Any recommendations on line to use? I think last time I used speaker wire lol but hey I've talked to people all over country and I used to have par end fedz antenna I put out my window to talk around the world with 10 watts but I'm sure my actual radiating power was so much less.

Just bought a quick reference manual as well.
Used to be W1gzy. many years ago. operated in the hf band. i was a QRP dx man. ran a five element horizontal Yagi tri bander on 50 foot tower
worked the world on 1/2 watt. Yasue equipment. was my choice. :cheers:
Hoping to get back on the air in next couple weeks. I think my furthest contact was just over 4,200 miles with the end fed on 10 watts (voice) which I think is pretty good because no way was I actually putting 10 watts out of antenna.
It's easy on HF band to work the world on small wattage it's all in the Antenna. four or five element horizontal yagi will get you to the other side of the globe easy. and there is always some propagation on one band or the other. not to mention. being a radio pirate, and operating with friends on ANY frequency. legal or otherwise. :cheers:
Daunting.... I looked into it a few times myself and every time came back with the same outcome. This seems like a great idea but requires a lot of work for a newb.
Daunting.... I looked into it a few times myself and every time came back with the same outcome. This seems like a great idea but requires a lot of work for a newb.
What up homie
Half a lifetime ago. But not lately, the radio is on a boat hours from where I live.

Kinda moved on to contacts over the internet. :biggrin: