Have this fan and wanted to know if I can simply attach a plug to it. Checked Google and there's nothing related to just 2 red wires. Can return it (you get what you pay for / you live you learn) but figured Id just use it if possible. Cheers.
Hello mate. I am not sure, but i would take of the sleeve and see if the red wires has anything written on it usually its --------------------- line or - - - --- -- on it.
I suspect its power in- driving fan one way or power in on the other wire drives it the other direction.
Cavet.. I know fuck all about electricity and paid a sparky to do mine for this reason.
Get a plug and connect 1 wire to neg and 1 to pos and see what happens . The blades will go one way or the other , if going the wrong way , just change the wires over . The worst you can do is blow it up .
Post a pix of nameplate.Probably 230v AC 50 hertz.If so,reversing wires won't do shit.If really DC,you'll need a transfo.
There is no such thing as a DC grid anywhere in the world.
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