OLD REVIEWS any reviews on, white goblin auto, jack auto, critical jack, la diva, little angel, and NL

Ekot; I'll try to take some pictures tonight for you to show you how they are doing. I think I may have stunted them a bit; I'm still a bit of a noob. I had some PH problems (my fault) on the White Goblin when I started; but it bounced back like a champ. I can tell you this; the White Goblin was the strongest looking plant out of my lot of about 26 auto's right out of the gate. Not sure if it was a fluke, but so far I'm liking what I've seen from Freedom of Seeds. I did have a Jack Auto die; but that was nature. Pretty sure I have another one in there; most of my plants are just starting to preflower; so maybe you'll get to see some pistils :P I'll be in touch!
woah man awesome haha sounds good ! yeah theres like no reviews anywhere about white goblin you're like the only other person i've heard about having the strain haha, yeah man definatley take some photos bro i'm sure alot of people out there have also purchased goblin or were thinking about doing so .are you growing yours outdoors or indoors what size of pot would you say is best ? this will be my first time growing properly haha mine will be outdoors but may keep them in the pot so i can move them around in and out of the sun / rain more..
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if your talking to me I have never harvested yet as this is my first grow haha
I cant find anything on any jack47 regaurdless of breeder. I have tried using the search functions but maybe I am an idiot. Sorry to ask the typical noob question, but if anyone could hook me up with a link to a smoke report an grow journal, anything involving jack47. I would like to pull the trigger and order these.