Outdoor Any outdoor growers in the region of 57 / 58n europe?

Nov 11, 2014
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Hi, just interested if there are any others growing in the same pitiful climate as me out there?
I've given up on photos, as there simply isn't enough budding time after the light change up here.
I've tried early finishers, cold climate strains and all. The only solution I see for photos to finish up here is to black bag them and fool them into flowering much earlier, but the fewer visits to my site, the better. I could without going there twice a day to be honest.
In the meantime this is my first auto grow, just in a loft bud box for now. A little experimentation and seed production while the Spring comes, then a guerrilla grow with the offspring seeds come the 'warmer' weather.
Anyone up this far North get any decent yield from any auto strain outdoors, or multiple crops? Be interested to see how late folks have planted out and managed to finish them. Obviously depends on the strain.
Any advice, info or chat gladly received.

Tks in advance.
I am at latitud 59 but is still to do an outdoor grow. But i should be no problem if the summer is as good as it has been this to last summers here, but I think you should let them have the first 3 weeks indoor under light, The first 3 weeks in crucial for the yield when it comes to autos, fuck it up then and you will get nothin back.

So start then in thier final container if you can (auto dont like to be re-potted) let them go for 3 weeks in door then place them outside and pray for good warm weather and you shall be fine.

Thanks for the heads up about seeds from Dk, Rilla. Northern Dk is about as far North as me.

Justin, 59N? Jees. This side of the pond or the other side? I bet your light and dark periods are all over the place outdoors?
I was aware about autos not liking being transplanted. I start them in 4" homemade compostable pots which I plant in 12L pots as soon as their tap roots show. Seems to do the trick.
Thanks for the heads up about seeds from Dk, Rilla. Northern Dk is about as far North as me.

Justin, 59N? Jees. This side of the pond or the other side? I bet your light and dark periods are all over the place outdoors?
I was aware about autos not liking being transplanted. I start them in 4" homemade compostable pots which I plant in 12L pots as soon as their tap roots show. Seems to do the trick.

59n somewhere in Sweden... :)

I have not much of a chance to grow photos here...no...and if you go even further north you will have a few weeks each year with 24 hours light...WEEKS when then sun never goes down...lol...thats fucked up for sleep...and growin photos...lol
Autos are your saviour for outdoor growing then, I guess?
I mid Summer we get about 4 hours of darkness. It screws with your mind :o)

When I tried photos outdoors I thought the weather was my worst enemy...pots drying out, then blowing over, but it was the late light change that ruined my chances. I must go and recover the pots...
Hey Hootin,

It's certainly possible, and I'm sure that others have already managed it not so far away. Personally I'm not properly outdoors, so judge my advice accordingly. Anyway my top tips would be:

Try a diversity of different genetics, e.g. different breeders, seed banks etc. I'm not convinced that there are many auto strains that can be relied on as being up to the climate, but if you have a good variation then you are more likely to find some that are up to the job.

Try to make some seeds, and save those from the best plant(s) for next year. It could take a long time to get what you might ideally be after, but any seeds produced should be reliable in your local climate (for growing at least, if not necessarily for anything else). If you can source some locally produced seeds you could have a real head start.

Succession sowing, with very variable weather you never know when there will be a good spell or a bad one. I think that this way you can maximise the chances of having some plants at the right stage of development to make the most of the good weather whenever it happens to turn up.

Be reasonable in your expectations of plant size, yield, and number of plants expected to reach maturity. At least that way you won't set yourself up for a disappointment. Essentially it's a case of safety in numbers.

Here's looking forward to a scorcher next summer.
:Sharing One:
Here's hoping on the weather, Doc.
I just had an attempt at reversing an AK48 for a seed run. Got some pollen but too late to pollenate the female I started 2 weeks after. Next one going in will get a good few branches pollenated.
I have a Diesel Haze Auto which will be an experimental cross with the AK, just for my own curiosity.

How the 2 strains and the cross do outdoors, only time will tell.
I'm not expecting massive yields, as we just don't have the sun hours, but you're right about staggering their start times to possibly capture the best window of weather. I'll have to try and keep them low and nailed to the deck next time - pots went over and 3/4" stems got broken in two during severe gales last time.
A greenhouse would be great, but 'she who must be obeyed' would blow a fuse. I keep all my horticulture on the quiet.
Hey Hootinhaggis I'm not far away at 55n another scot. I done my first outdoor grow last year and managed to get 32g off of one plant so as long as its a decent summer why not. Start them indoors for a few weeks and tier plant them for a stress less transplant. Good luck
I've grown plants that came to a full finnish at 59 north. Strain was DaShadows Charger. Two of the females finnished mid september and the last one first week of october.
Had a male in there that was way earlier, I haven't had the chance to grow out the seeds produced but this summer hopefully! Beware if you are growing early photos up north they can get HUGE. I was expecting plants to be around 4-5' instead they went to about 8. I got alot of seeded bud. I'd imagine if I had pulled the male the yield would've been very good! At least 200g per plant if not more! It was powerful shit too.
Mob x c99 from highrise seeds went to beginning of october, rock hard buds but medium yield. GREAT smoke.

I still have mob99 beans so charger x mob99 is a possible very photosensitive cross!

Autos grow great up here, but as pointed out they need a good start in life to get to a decent size. Best method is probably making a ton of seeds and planting right into beds/holes/bags/totes outside. Plant them really tight and then thin out the runts.

I will be growing blue amnesia xxl, dinamex and onyx and some freebies i got. for reliable finish use autos, its the best option for us. With autos our climate could actually be rather nice? In the middle of summer the weather is usually stable and we rarely face drought conditions, if you have femmed autos you can plant them out, mulch and then go back for harvest. Minimum maintenence!