Indoor Any info on these? MagicDragon x purple jem

Mar 7, 2015
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Hi guyz. Was wondering if there were any info on these at all....they were gifted to me by a terrific person here(thanx so much dude!) but I can find nada. Any help/links are greatly appreciated. TIA.......LDD.
across between both Mossy's genetics, If it's the cross I made awhile back? it makes for short thick purple bud's..Great for pain management!! can get up to 16-18 inches and is great!!!!
Thanx for the prompt reply,dude! So do these turn purp regardless? Prob. be o.d. in 1-2 gal. container, soil, perlite, maxi-bloom, dolomite lime w/xtra cal/mag already added to the lime when purchased......thinkin one e.t. and one md x pj in the
same pot and hope for a m+f and letum do their sexy thang for sum semillas! Does this sound like a good plan? Never made
seeds b4. If it works out, might call the cross "intergalactic purple nurple'' or sumthin'.......that one's kinda lame, but can come up with(I hope,lol) better..... Anything that you'd do diff? Or tips/tricks that would help? Do they and e.t. do well o.d. in hot weather(95+ and humid)? Sorry for all these dumb*** q's. Thanx in advance, LDD.
Sounds like a good cross, yes purple genetics are in both1 with out low temps.... they both do well in heat my climate is hotter then most so there breeding environment was always above optimum..... have fun!!!
I'm always here for any questions!!