New Grower any help for a new autoflower outdoor guerilla grower

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hi,i am from east europe,so you have to excuse me for my poor vocabulary and horoble grammary,(expecialy bad writing,i know).but i read and understand very well.i have some experiense with growing mj,but not with autoflowers.currently i am onto some outdoor grow(first from 15 years),so i will go traditionaly,but for the next season i will try some autos(heard good things).i will not post pic.untill the ehd,because they may get me in real trouble here in this is not uk or usa or canada(been there,used to live and work in canada for 3 years).here everything(pfones,internet)is tracked and there is not low-if you are rich-you pay and go,if not-get fcd in all holes:cry:.thats why i will post pic.whenever everything is done,or when i have a time to use public pc (because of above mentioned reasons).
in order to prepare for the next growing season i will need a lot of autoflowering seeds,probably 400-500(hope 50-100 plants will survive,plus we are 3 serious users).so i decided to try to grow my own(got scared from the prises of the seeds:drool:).
my question is:is it posible to by some autoflowering seeds feminazed(seed banks sell only fem.,at least this i am working with),turn 1-2 plants male,polinate the rest females and obtain some good seeds(and enough:lol:)for the next growing season.
i know there is information in this forum,it is soooo much,that i get confused,that's why i need simple step-by step answers.also which strains are recommended(let say for south romania-i am not from there,but weather conditions are very mach the same,and to be some good yielding plants(if it is posible of course)
any help will be appreciated. present outdoor grow-some purple white widow+some holands hope+some g-13 starts within 2-3 weeks(hopefully along with some autos,if you recommend any),i will post pic.from time to time whenever i got a shans to do this safety.
I'm sure you can mix some male with the females and produce seeds,although if there hybrids Idont know if the seeds will turn out to be full hybrids.Someone with more expert advice will help you,just hold on for a while.
To get that many seeds you can buy some regular, non feminized seeds and grow them out. Take the best male and use it to pollinate a nice female. You can expect to get about 1,000 seeds from each female you pollinate. So one fully pollinated female should give you all the seeds you will need for next year.
thank you,i was not sure that it will keep proper genetics,will they keep autofl.genes.
and what about making feminazet seeds using collodial silver?do you recommend fem.seeds al all?

Some people don't recommend them. I think they are just fine as long as it's a good strain from a good breeder. Regular seeds are good for breeding, otherwise the males are useless.

Yes, if you cross two autos all of the seeds will be autos as well. There is always going to be variances in phenotypes in the same strain,though. Like Muddy said get a 10 pack of whatever you want, Grow em out and take the best looking/favorite male and female and get them a motel room to knock boots. :hump: You'll have a crap load of seeds for your outdoor pleasures.

I don't have a lot of experience with making fems with cs. Search around though I know there are other threads already on here explaining it all. Good luck.
thank's again to everyone,i ordered some autoseeds,and what about fertilisers?from liquids i have easy acsess only to canna(terra vega/hydro vega),house&garden(aqua flakes/aqua soil),general hidroponics(flora gro,flora micro,flora bloom),and there is one dutch formula(grow,micro,bloom).i need them for outside,i gess most of them are for hydroponic sistem inside.
may be canna terra vega(terra means land)or aqua soil? i need the best one,because besides autos there are a looot of regular seeds expecting to set a foot in the ground very soon.
P.S. promise to post a pictures of two gardens with some 120-150(hopefully)strains when they start flowering and+