Indoor Any advice on co2 enrichment for autos would be appreciated

Oct 13, 2015
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I have not been able to find any info on here about co2 for autos. I know how to do it with photos, but would like to know if there are any clear differences. Things such as say should you aim for 1500 ppm with autos too? Does it affect their potency in a negative way? Does it benefit them any more or less than photos? Any info is welcome. Thinking I should be ready to do it just after the new year.
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No one seriously has any experience with co2 on autos? I don't mind being the pioneer, just shocked with the talent on here.
Some of us make diy co2 generators. A few might go more in depth. I tried a couple different types but to be honest I didn't see much difference. Most guys keep it perpetual so timing enrichment is really tricky.
I will be using a compressed tank and timer to enrich. High heat and humidity are already issues for me.
Why us your heat high? Shouldn't you address that before investing in a tank and timer? I mean get the heat under control and co2 probably won't be needed. Might save you lots of $$$
No they are not out of range or problematic, but adding more heat or humidity would push it past the ideal range. I live in a warm climate with lots of humidity. 70s to 80s F in my grow environment so co2 would be perfect. I just have not heard if it is the same as photos or as responsive to the enrichment.